Hi, We're working on getting the documentation out there. In the meantime you can find it here: https://github.com/pycom/pycom-documentation/pull/387/files (near the bottom): from network import WLAN from network import ESPNOW import binascii import time # The callback to be registered when a message has been sent to a Peer def espnow_tx(result): # "result" is the parameter in form of 2 element long tuple # "peer" is the Peer which the message has been sent to # "sent" is a boolean showing whether the message could be sent peer, sent = result mac = peer.addr() if(sent == False): print("Sending message to %s failed!" % binascii.hexlify(mac)) else: print("Message sent to: %s" % (binascii.hexlify(mac))) # The callback to be registered when a message has been received def espnow_rx(result): # "result" is the parameter in form of 3 element long tuple # "mac" is the MAC address of the sender # "peer" is the Peer which the message has been received from. If message has been received from a not registered Peer this parameter is None # "msg" is the payload from the received message mac, peer, msg = result if(peer is not None): print("Message received from %s with content: %s" % (binascii.hexlify(mac), msg)) peer.send("Sending back an answer") # The ESPNOW module needs that WLAN is initialized w = WLAN() # Initialize the ESPNOW module ESPNOW.init() # Register the callback which will be called on TX ESPNOW.on_send(espnow_tx) # Register the callback which will be called on RX ESPNOW.on_recv(espnow_rx) # Add a dedicated Peer with MAC address: 11:22:33:44:55:66 p = ESPNOW.add_peer("112233445566") # Send a message dedicated to the Peer p.send("My Message") # Sending 1 message to all Peers which are registered ESPNOW.send(None, "Hello all Peers!")