Pytrack GPS API

  • @andrethemac i followed the original lib which use gc to clean memory. But haven't tried any other options.
    Same problem here with the starting time. Sometimes i just unplug the cable from my computer and plug it to a powerbank and have to wait 5 minutes for it to get fix. For my project this will not be a problem but for a battery operated device it's not a good thing...

  • @neuromystix I used to search the nmea messages with _read looking for xxGGA until a fix was found. Only then I use the l76.coordinates to find the exact position.
    a bit of a work around.
    The new library you posted works as a charm, no more memory errors.
    The Quectel is a bit "slow" but with a timeout of 180 (3 minutes), I manage to get a fix (almost) every time the wipy/lopy comes awake (after deep sleep). Not so good for the battery, 3 minutes on +- 70 mA vs 390 uA in deep sleep with the pytrack. The 390 uA are probably from the accelerator, I use the accelerator to wake up the unit when it gets more than 2g for over a second.

  • @andrethemac Yeah, ran into that issue aswell.

    why we are re-doing the gps library that comes from pycom :)

    and selectively adding more and more features ... so we won't run out of memory

  • @crumble I added a function where i can get time and date. If you want, try it and check if you have any problem.


    ## Test code for read date/time from gps and update RTC
    import machine
    import math
    import network
    import os
    import time
    import utime
    from machine import RTC
    from machine import SD
    from machine import Timer
    from L76GNSS import L76GNSS
    from pytrack import Pytrack
    import struct
    # setup as a station
    import gc
    #Start GPS
    py = Pytrack()
    l76 = L76GNSS(py, timeout=600)
    #start rtc
    rtc = machine.RTC()
    print('Aquiring GPS signal....')
    #try to get gps date to config rtc
    while (True):
       gps_datetime = l76.get_datetime()
       #case valid readings
       if gps_datetime[3]:
           day = int(gps_datetime[4][0] + gps_datetime[4][1] )
           month = int(gps_datetime[4][2] + gps_datetime[4][3] )
           year = int('20' + gps_datetime[4][4] + gps_datetime[4][5] )
           hour = int(gps_datetime[2][0] + gps_datetime[2][1] )
           minute = int(gps_datetime[2][2] + gps_datetime[2][3] )
           second = int(gps_datetime[2][4] + gps_datetime[2][5] )
           print("Current location: {}  {} ; Date: {}/{}/{} ; Time: {}:{}:{}".format(gps_datetime[0],gps_datetime[1], day, month, year, hour, minute, second))
           rtc.init( (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, 0, 0))
    print('RTC Set from GPS to UTC:',
    chrono = Timer.Chrono()
    #sd = SD()
    #os.mount(sd, '/sd')
    #f = open('/sd/gps-record.txt', 'w')
    while (True):
       print("RTC time : {}".format(
       coord = l76.coordinates()
       #f.write("{} - {}\n".format(coord,
       print("$GPGLL>> {} - Free Mem: {}".format(coord, gc.mem_free()))
       coord1 = l76.coordinates1()
       print("$GPGGA>> {} - Free Mem: {}".format(coord1, gc.mem_free()))
       coord2 = l76.get_datetime()
       print("$G_RMC>> {} - Free Mem: {}".format(coord2, gc.mem_free()))

    The code:

    from machine import Timer
    import time
    import gc
    import binascii
    class L76GNSS:
        GPS_I2CADDR = const(0x10)
        def __init__(self, pytrack=None, sda='P22', scl='P21', timeout=None):
            if pytrack is not None:
                self.i2c = pytrack.i2c
                from machine import I2C
                self.i2c = I2C(0, mode=I2C.MASTER, pins=(sda, scl))
            self.chrono = Timer.Chrono()
            self.timeout = timeout
            self.timeout_status = True
            self.reg = bytearray(1)
            self.i2c.writeto(GPS_I2CADDR, self.reg)
        def _read(self):
            self.reg = self.i2c.readfrom(GPS_I2CADDR, 128)      #Changed from 64 to 128 - I2C L76 says it can read till 255 bytes
            return self.reg
        def _convert_coords(self, gngll_s):
            lat = gngll_s[1]
            lat_d = (float(lat) // 100) + ((float(lat) % 100) / 60)
            lon = gngll_s[3]
            lon_d = (float(lon) // 100) + ((float(lon) % 100) / 60)
            if gngll_s[2] == 'S':
                lat_d *= -1
            if gngll_s[4] == 'W':
                lon_d *= -1
            return(lat_d, lon_d)
        #diff indexes from original - Using GGA sentence
        def _convert_coords1(self, gngga_s):
            lat = gngga_s[2]
            lat_d = (float(lat) // 100) + ((float(lat) % 100) / 60)
            lon = gngga_s[4]
            lon_d = (float(lon) // 100) + ((float(lon) % 100) / 60)
            if gngga_s[3] == 'S':
                lat_d *= -1
            if gngga_s[5] == 'W':
                lon_d *= -1
            return(lat_d, lon_d)
        def _get_time(self, gngga_s):
            gps_time = gngga_s[1]
        def _get_altitude(self, gngga_s):
            gps_altitude = gngga_s[9]
        def _get_satellites(self, gngga_s):
            num_satellites = gngga_s[7]
        def _fix_quality(self, gngga_s):
            valid = gngga_s[6]
            if valid == '1':
                return True
                return False
        #Using RMC sentence
        def _get_time_rmc(self, gnrmc_s):
            gps_time = gnrmc_s[1]
        def _data_valid_rmc(self, gnrmc_s):
            valid = gnrmc_s[2]
            if valid == 'A':
                return True
                return False
        def _get_date_rmc(self, gnrmc_s):
            gps_date = gnrmc_s[9]
        def coordinates(self, debug=False):
            lat_d, lon_d, debug_timeout = None, None, False
            if self.timeout is not None:
            nmea = b''
            while True:
                if self.timeout is not None and >= self.timeout:
                    chrono_timeout =
                    self.timeout_status = False
                    debug_timeout = True
                if not self.timeout_status:
                nmea += self._read().lstrip(b'\n\n').rstrip(b'\n\n')
                gngll_idx = nmea.find(b'GNGLL')
                if gngll_idx >= 0:
                    gngll = nmea[gngll_idx:]
                    e_idx = gngll.find(b'\r\n')
                    if e_idx >= 0:
                            gngll = gngll[:e_idx].decode('ascii')
                            gngll_s = gngll.split(',')
                            lat_d, lon_d = self._convert_coords(gngll_s)
                        except Exception:
                            nmea = nmea[(gngll_idx + e_idx):]
                    if len(nmea) > 410: # i suppose it can be safely changed to 82, which is longest NMEA frame
                        nmea = nmea[-5:] # $GNGL without last L
            self.timeout_status = True
            if debug and debug_timeout:
                print('GPS timed out after %f seconds' % (chrono_timeout))
                return(None, None)
                return(lat_d, lon_d)
        #TEST functions
        #Parser for GPGGA
        def coordinates1(self, debug=False):
            lat_d, lon_d, gps_time, valid, gps_altitude, num_satellites, debug_timeout = None, None, None, None, None, False, False
            if self.timeout is not None:
            nmea = b''
            while True:
                if self.timeout is not None and >= self.timeout:
                    chrono_timeout =
                    self.timeout_status = False
                    debug_timeout = True
                if not self.timeout_status:
                nmea += self._read().lstrip(b'\n\n').rstrip(b'\n\n')
                gpgga_idx = nmea.find(b'GPGGA')
                if gpgga_idx >= 0:
                    gpgga = nmea[gpgga_idx:]
                    gpgga_e_idx = gpgga.find(b'\r\n')
                    if gpgga_e_idx >= 0:
                            gpgga = gpgga[:gpgga_e_idx].decode('ascii')
                            gpgga_s = gpgga.split(',')
                            lat_d, lon_d = self._convert_coords1(gpgga_s)
                            gps_time = self._get_time(gpgga_s)
                            valid = self._fix_quality(gpgga_s)
                            gps_altitude = self._get_altitude(gpgga_s)
                            num_satellites = self._get_satellites(gpgga_s)
                        except Exception:
                            nmea = nmea[(gpgga_idx + gpgga_e_idx):]
                    if len(nmea) > 410: # i suppose it can be safely changed to 82, which is longest NMEA frame
                        nmea = nmea[-5:] # $GNGL without last L
            self.timeout_status = True
            if debug and debug_timeout:
                print('GPS timed out after %f seconds' % (chrono_timeout))
                return(None, None, None, None, False, None)
                return(lat_d, lon_d, gps_time, gps_altitude, valid, num_satellites)
        #parser for UTC time and date >> Reads GPRMC
        def get_datetime(self, debug=False):
            lat_d, lon_d, gps_time, valid, gps_date, rmc_idx, debug_timeout = None, None, None, None, None, -1, False
            if self.timeout is not None:
            nmea = b''
            while True:
                if self.timeout is not None and >= self.timeout:
                    chrono_timeout =
                    self.timeout_status = False
                    debug_timeout = True
                if not self.timeout_status:
                nmea += self._read().lstrip(b'\n\n').rstrip(b'\n\n')
                #Since or spg or glonass could give date see which one is present -SEE page 10 GNSS protocol
                #GPS only       - GPRMC         GPGGA
                #Glonass only   - GNRMC         GPGGA
                #GPS+GLON       - GNRMC         GPGGA
                #No station     - GPRMC         GPGGA
                gprmc_idx = nmea.find(b'GPRMC')
                gnrmc_idx = nmea.find(b'GNRMC')
                if gprmc_idx >= 0:
                    rmc_idx = gprmc_idx
                if gnrmc_idx >= 0:
                    rmc_idx = gnrmc_idx
                if rmc_idx >= 0:
                    rmc = nmea[rmc_idx:]
                    rmc_e_idx = rmc.find(b'\r\n')
                    if rmc_e_idx >= 0:
                            rmc = rmc[:rmc_e_idx].decode('ascii')
                            rmc_s = rmc.split(',')
                            lat_d, lon_d = self._convert_coords1(rmc_s[1:])
                            gps_time = self._get_time_rmc(rmc_s)
                            valid = self._data_valid_rmc(rmc_s)
                            gps_date = self._get_date_rmc(rmc_s)
                        except Exception:
                            nmea = nmea[(rmc_idx + rmc_e_idx):]
                    if len(nmea) > 512: # i suppose it can be safely changed to 82, which is longest NMEA frame --CHANGED to 512
                        nmea = nmea[-5:] # $GNGL without last L
            self.timeout_status = True
            if debug and debug_timeout:
                print('GPS timed out after %f seconds' % (chrono_timeout))
                return(None, None, None, False, None)
                return(lat_d, lon_d, gps_time, valid, gps_date)

  • @crumble i followed the original lib from Pycom, just parse a different NMEA message. I've reading Quectel L76 GNSS protocol specification and i find they have only the following message types:

    • xxRMC, where we can get UTC Time, validation, lat, long, speed, COG, date and other non important things;
    • xxVTG, mostly for track course and speed data;
    • xxGGA, where GPS fix data are. UTC time, lat, long, fix status, number of satellites, HDOP, altitude, height of geoid, DGPS info(if any) are all in this sentence;
    • xxGSA, infos about satellites;
    • xxGSV, more info about satellites;
    • xxGLL, a basic sentence with geographic info like lat, long, UTC time, data validation and position mode.

    So, depending on what things you need, you just have to parse the exact sentence. In my case, i changed the original library which parsed $GNGLL (few information) to a new function which parse $GPGGA (have more data!). The ideia was the same, reading sentences from i2c till a get a complete GNGLL sentence (searching for beggining and ending of that sentence >> nmea.find(b'GPGGA') and e_idx = gpgga.find(b'\r\n') >> It's a NMEA standard so it always start and end this way), then parse all the values i need. Today it has been working for nearly two hours, reading each second, and i don't get any errors.

    For use it just call l76.coordinates1() which will return (lat, long, time(not formatted), altitude (M), valid fix (true ou false), number of satellites).

  • @neuromystix said in Pytrack GPS API:

    If anyone need i can show my basic test code.

    Yes, please. I had sadly no time to work on my implementation. You run your code on a 4MB version, if you never had any memory problems, right? I can share my code as well, if it is ready. I used preallocated buffers to get around the memory problem, but my parsing of numbers is quite awefull.

    For me it is hard to get one of the 4MB *Pys. The resellers in Germany seems to have only the old versions or the newer ones are sold out really fast.

  • Hello all,

    I received today one Pytrack board for testing, and found it very easy to get more data from NMEA sentences. Just need to parse the correct NMEA sentence for what you need. Original library parse $GNGLL, however for what i need (lat/long, gps time, altitude, fix validation) i just changed the lib to parse $GPGGA and get that values. If anyone need i can show my basic test code.

    Some time ago i tried the micropyGPS lib with an external ublox gps module, but also had that memory errors. I think they could be solved, however since i didn't need gps by that time, i never tried to fix anything.

    Best regards

  • @combaindeft I ran the library on a pytrack / lopy combination, but gave up, to many out of memory errors.

  • @andrethemac

    Sounds really interesting, though we'd have to re-write some of the code to run on a PyTrack & LoPy setup :D


    ALSO, has anyone else found some documentation of how other GPS vendors do the "Accuracy" calculation?

  • Take a look at this library, it does a lot of nmea parsing, but its quite memory hungry.


    best regards

  • Have you looked at the library?

    it's there, though you may have to hack your own code to get out everything you need :)

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