New firmware release v1.13.0.b1 (Sigfox and LoRa coexistency on the LoPy4)

  • @xykon
    Hi and thanks for keeping up.
    One small request: I did not check if in windows and linux it's the same, but on macOS the firmware update utility version number is missing. Please, add it in future releases (I am getting old and Alzheimer strikes hard).

  • administrators

    UPDATE: During internal testing I discovered a bug where, when you try to update/register more than one Sigfox device for the first time using the restart button, the download seems to take forever when updating the second device. I will upload a bugfix for this as soon as possible.

    UPDATE2: I discovered another problem where registering a new SigFox device fails when using the Linux CLI based firmware update tool. This should now be fixed with a server-side upgrade. If you have been struggling to update your board using this tool, please try again.

    Hello everyone,

    With this firmware update also comes a new firmware update tool 1.1.6.b0

    With this version the installer for Windows and MacOS will consist of only two executables, one which provides the GUI version called pycom-fwtool and another CLI version called pycom-fwtool-cli which replaces the functionality of the previous bin/ file

    It is highly recommended that MacOS users remove the old application completely before installing this new version (or re-installing it if you have it already installed it). This will make sure all the old frameworks are removed which should save a considerable amount of disk space.

    The installer also sees a few other improvements such as server outage detection (sorry if you've seen these earlier today as we moved the database to a new host) and a restart button.

    I've been able to generate .deb and .rpm packages for a Linux version but this needs a few more days of testing before it can be released, so the Linux version currently available just contains the updated python scripts on which the whole updater is built.

    As we changed both the updater and the server infrastructure in a major way today please be patient and report any issues you may encounter. We will try to fix any issues as quickly as possible. Thanks a lot for your understanding.

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