Pymesh online software update doesn't work after site update

  • (sysname='FiPy', nodename='FiPy', release='1.20.2.r6', version='v1.11-c5a0a97 on 2021-10-28', machine='FiPy with ESP32', lorawan='1.0.2', sigfox='1.0.1', pybytes='1.7.1')

    Normally after the Pymesh firmware became 1.20.2.rc11, the Pymesh library is installed, and at reboot the device started automatically the LoRa Mesh network.

    Now nothing changes.

    Update Output:

    Requesting: manifest.json?current_ver=1.20.2.r6&sysname=FiPy&wmac=f008d1ccdd9c&ota_slot=0x210000 to with SSL? True
    Wrapping socket
    Sending request
    Requesting: downloads/appimg/firmware_FiPy_1.20.2.r6-pybytes.bin to with SSL? True
    Wrapping socket
    Sending request
    Full Update Image detected. Restart the device to load the new firmware.
    ets Jun  8 2016 00:22:57

    Even after the update all the pymesh modules do not work

    I seem to remember that the old download link was:

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