Which library work with DS18B20 water proof temperature sensor?
Re: DS18B20 temperature sensor
Hello. I need to use a DS18B20 sensor with a Lopy4 on a Expanson board V2.
I read the linked post, but I would like to make sure I understood about the libary to use.Two name of library was mentionned
and ds18x20.py (but the link is broken)I finally believed that only onewire.py make the job for a DS18B20 sensors (waterproof soil temperature).
Some of you could give more precise information and idealy exemple?
Thank a lot and have a nice day.
@robert-hh Oh! thank, I missed it. Great I am happy to try it, this evening! Thank a lot!
@pierrot10 The pycom documentation is your friend. A search for DS18B20 reveals: https://docs.pycom.io/chapter/tutorials/all/owd.html