Serial connection not working
I have tried on a Mac and PC. I tried changing usb cables. Each time it says the connection failed when I tried to connect to the WiPY from the firmware update software.
@PeteD Yes, that's a wipy1. By default, REPL is not enabled on boot. You have to enable it in, by:
from machine import UART import os uart = UART(0, 115200) os.dupterm(uart)
See also here:
@PeteD That seems to be a WiPy 1. What is the shape of the board. Is it a clean rectangle or more an arrow shape (rectangle with an kind of extension on the shorter side?
Support for WiPy1 is here:
It was one of the original ones from the kickstarter. It has a sticker on the front that has the pinouts on it.
@PeteD Since we had that recently: What type of WiPy are you using:
WiPy2 :
WiPy 1:
If it's WiPy 2, which OS are you using? Are you sure you are using the right serial port on the PC? It should disappear if you disconnect the board.
If it's WiPy 1: Thatz does not conect to USB by default. But both boards support a telnet connection, which you can establish too with putty.
Yes I set the jumper, and it seems to connect with putty, but nothing happens once it connects
...even using low speed setting, and with new updater ?
And sorry for the stupid question, but did you set the jumper on the expansion board before trying to update ?