LoRa network setup...
Would like to setup LoRa netwrok as shown below,
I have LoPy 5 pack kit https://www.pycom.io/product/lopy-5-pack-pure-greed/ from making the LoRa network setup.
Planning to follow the below steps,
- Update the firmware first in all five devices.
- Use LoRaMAC smaple given in https://docs.pycom.io/lopy/lopy/quickref.html#lora-loramac to communicate 2 devices. To make sure that RF works properly.
- Now try to setup LoRa gateway including wifi driver working (sample would be required).
- Create LoRa netwrok (sample would be required).
I have completed step 1 and trying out step 2 currently.
Please let me know if the approach is correct and provide sample for step 3 & step 4.
The object is to have the IoT network using LoRa.
Or suggest some other mechanism to achieve the intent using LoPy.
Thanks sakis. Apologies - I was looking in the wrong place for the LoRa documentation - I expected it to be in the Pycom specific modules section, because I assumed that general MicroPython documentation would not contain any hardware info at all. Oops.
We've restructured our documents recently so that link is broken: https://docs.pycom.io/pycom_esp32/library/network.LORA.html
https://docs.pycom.io/pycom_esp32/pycom_esp32/lora_examples.html#lora-loramacNext week we will do a new documentation release which provides more information about many modules, including LoRa
RSK wrote:
Use LoRaMAC smaple given in https://docs.pycom.io/lopy/lopy/quickref.html#lora-loramac to communicate 2 devices. To make sure that RF works properly.
I can't find that LoRaMAC example. In fact I can't find ANY example code that let's me test the LoRa radio.
Hi, personally I'm happy to share the code for the IoT bike.
I need to check with my employer as technically speaking they own what we developed. I'll ask and share if I can.
However it was coded against the early beta programme boards and needs a few tweaks to run on the released boards due to the various enhancements on LoRa (found that out the hard way when I tried to update the hardware for the bike's most recent outing)
It's pretty basic (mostly coded overnight as poor Daniel will confirm :) )
Sucessfully tested with two LoPy and it works good.
LoPy to LoPy TX & RX are working with LoRaMAC mode https://docs.pycom.io/lopy/lopy/quickref.html#lora-loramac
Would need LoPy gate way to add the third, fourth, fifth ....., Is there any official new on LoPy gateway firmware release.
Hey gents - not sure if you have come across this application that links 2 LoPys to a third:
@administrators : would it be possible to share the code for this with the forum?
@RSK I only have one LoPy so I can't test this myself but I'd assume this should work.
No i do not have any gateway link. Will have make LoPy as gateway to push the data to remote server.
When can i expect the firmware update for gateway support. Any tentative timeline???
Is there a way to test basic LoRa Tx/Rx operation of the LoPy device in range 865 - 867 Mhz.
Keep two LoPy device programmed with current version of firmware and make one as transmitter and other as receiver.
Referring to the sample: https://docs.pycom.io/lopy/lopy/quickref.html#lora-loramac
Will it work?
I'm assuming from the limited information provided that you intend to use the LoPy as a LoRa gateway? The current firmware does not yet support this.
If you already have a gateway it would be helpful to mention what kind of gateway that is.