Brief Update

  • administrators

    Dear all,

    Firstly apologies for radio silence however logistics have been caused much of the radio silence.

    Daniel has been in the US working on one of the chips as well as coordinating our progress with the team in Netherlands. Before I committed to the detail, I wanted to double check a few points. My bad and deep apologies for the frustration. Rest assured we are making good progress. I will email later detailed specs about the release. In a nutshell though, here are the broad strokes:

    1. New firmware will be released tomorrow. This will include co-existence WiFi/BT as well as comprehensive BLE library. We will also have numerous bug fixes. We have also located the bug affecting Floating Point and are awaiting for Espressif to recompile some code which should be a matter of days and so this update will follow the one of tomorrow.
    2. Opensource licence: The 3rd party legal team was delayed in getting us the licence and not something we were pleased about. I have made it clear we will need the licence tomorrow without fail. They understand the point and so, as soon as we get that final doucement, we will place the code on Github which will help you all.

    I will add further updates a little later and the details of the next release. Rest assured we have a very comprehensive roadmap to get you the hardware up to 100% functionality. I will give you a detail on that roadmap in my update of tonight.

    Thank you again for your patience and for bringing us to task. That is what I love about our community.

    Best wishes

  • administrators

    @bmarkus The GPL V3 licence ensures all code written moving forward remains opensource. I think that is the premise we all want to see... correct? Each of our developers need to share code etc

  • @Fred said in Brief Update:

    1. Opensource licence: The 3rd party legal team was delayed in getting us the licence and not something we were pleased about. I have made it clear we will need the licence tomorrow without fail. They understand the point and so, as soon as we get that final doucement, we will place the code on Github which will help you all.

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