How do I mark code in a post to this forum?
I recently submitted a comment in one of the group topics and realised I had no idea how this editor works. I wanted to have a code snippet. The "insert code block" icon is greyed out in the editor, so i can submit code as a picture or text but cannot mark it as code. I wrote my comment and in the preview a small part of my code showed up as code, on a black background with key words coloured! what!
So it can be done, but I have no idea why one single 'if' loop in my code decide to display as code but the rest was text.
Also when I hit reply me message goes to the top, just below my original post, not below the last reply in the topic. Why?
Thanks, sorry I did not see the "compose" with question mark inside the box. The documentation is pretty clear. I am a member of so many forums and they all have different tools. Wonder if there will be a shake up at some stage to use something like the wiki toolset which does most thinks.
when you edit your post on right top corner, there is the link with help "Compose?"
@smbunn Code blocks can be enclosed in three backquotes ( ```), a single marked element in single backquotes (`).