threading error (NameError: name 'xxx' is not defined)

  • hi all,

    I am trying to make a Class that merges L76GNSS and micropyGPS. I would like to create a thread to feed the micropyGPS object with NMEA data in the background.

    My code is here;


    class L76micropyGPS:
        def __init__(self, my_gps, pytrack=None, sda='P22', scl='P21', timeout=None):
        # start thread feeding microGPS
            _thread.start_new_thread(feedMicroGPS, '')
        def feedMicroGPS(self):
           # <snippage>
            while True:
                # get some NMEA data
                someNmeaData = self.i2c.readfrom(GPS_I2CADDR, 128)
                print(" feedGps_thread - gpsChars recieved : {}".format(len(someNmeaData)))
                # Pass NMEA data to micropyGPS object
                for x in someNmeaData:

    However I get this error;

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 21, in <module>
    File "/flash/lib/", line 41, in init
    NameError: name 'feedMicroGPS' is not defined

    What I am doing wrong?

  • Functions and methods are actually different things and exist in different scopes.
    You can't look up a method by name without the self. (or similiar) prefix. Unless you bind it to another name in the current scope.

    The same applies to class methods.

  • Brilliant. Thanks. Now fails much further on!

    I had assumed that as methods in python are declared as functions that this should just work(tm).

    Thanks again.

  • @gregcope you call _thread.start_new_thread(feedMicroGPS, '') can't find feedMicroGPS which is to be expected, it's definition is not in the scope of the init method.

    You should either be using self.feedMicroGPS or cls.feedMicroGPS (if it where a class method).

    The examples use a function not a method.

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