Documentation of Monarch Platform
One of the recent firmware updates of FiPy and Sequans modem show that the platform has change:
LR6.0.0.0-37781Is it expected a new documentation for Monarch Platform AT commands? The last I have from a link provided in Pycom's page documentation is with title: "Monarch Platform LR5.1.1.0 AT Commands Reference Manual"
Is there any Software Release Notes coming from Sequans about the latest modems firmware (I mean NB1-37781 and NB1-38729). What new is supported in these firmware releases will be very helpful to know.
@dan @Community-Moderators Has there been any update on this? The latest manual I have is LR5.1.1.0 and I cannot seem to find LR6.0.0.0 anywhere.
In October @dan said Pycom was expecting an updated manual and I notice in the library uses the command
lteppp_send_at_cmd("AT!=\"setlpm airplane=1 enable=1\"", LTE_RX_TIMEOUT_MAX_MS);
which does not appear in the LR5.1.1.0 manual. Could it be from the updated manual? I thought the
commands were manufacturer specific. If so, is there any Sequans documentations for this command?How is
AT!=setlpm airplane=1 enable=1
different toAT+CFUN=4
- or is it more likeAT+CFUN=2
@stsiafak we are expecting an updated manual from Sequans, but it might take a while.
this the latest version (5th edition - June 2018) of the AT commands I found online: