i2C Default Pins
I would appreciate help with connecting an SSD1306 to an Expansion Board (3.0) and WiPy(3).
What are the i2C default pins? I am getting confused with P, G pins etc.
Is this the correct statement:
i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=100000)
Can the community refer me to a complete SSD1306-i2C example? I am just starting using this board.
Thanks in advance.
Thank you very much. I appreciate it.
@jimmie The G numbers are assigned to the expansion board (see https://docs.pycom.io/datasheets/boards/expansion3), whereas the P numbers are assigned to the development modules (e.g. https://docs.pycom.io/datasheets/development/wipy3). So a certain Pin can be addresses by at least two names, not to mention the machine.Pin.exp_board.Gxx and machine.Pin.module.Pxx names. For instance, Pin "P9" could also be addressed as "G16", machine.Pin.module.P9 or machine.Pin.exp_board.G16.
Quite confusing indeed. So it's best to stick to a certain name convention. Most people and examples use the "Pxx" variant.
I2C(0, I2C.MASTER, baudrate=100000, pins=("P9","P10"))
on Expansion Board
G17 SCLlook at my post a few days ago ;-)