VSCode connection timed out
I just got a new LoPy4 mounted on a PyTrack and cannot connect to the board at all through VSCode. I am using a Mac with USB-C ports and have a usb hub which the lopy4 is plugged into. The blue heartbeat is working and I can use the osx screen utility to connect to the board and run a few commands.
In VScode when I run List Serial Ports I get
/dev/tty.usbmodemPyb3c080 (Pycom) (copied to clipboard)
I have switched between both
/dev/tty.usbmodemPyb3c080 /dev/cu.usbmodemPyb3c080 (which I see in /dev/)
and on running Pymakr > Connect I just keep getting "Connection timed out. Click here to try again."
I have tried pressing reset on the LoPy and nothing seems to work.
{ "address": "/dev/cu.usbmodemPyb3c080", "username": "micro", "password": "python", "sync_folder": "", "open_on_start": true, "safe_boot_on_upload": false, "sync_file_types": "py,txt,log,json,xml,html,js,css,mpy", "ctrl_c_on_connect": false, "sync_all_file_types": false, "auto_connect": false }
This is a new issue (please do not reopen old threads), only on VSCode, we are working on a solution. There's another thread here on the recent issues: https://forum.pycom.io/topic/6809/pymakr-1-1-8-vs-code-failed-to-connect/ In the meantime, you can use Atom + Pymakr. Sorry for the inconvenience
Facing the extract same problem in VSCode (connection timed out). Do you have a solution?
Also for the screen utility on OSX I noticed I can only connect using
/dev/cu.usbmodel* 115200
/dev/tty.usbmodel* 115200Which is strange to me because the List Serial Ports command from the plugin show me the *tty.
Still getting connection errors
Found 4 serialports
/dev/tty.usbmodemPyb3c080 (Pycom) (copied to clipboard) /dev/tty.MALS (Unknown manufacturer) /dev/tty.SOC (Unknown manufacturer) /dev/tty.TaoTronicsTT-BH07-CSRGA (Unknown manufacturer) Connecting on /dev/tty.usbmodemPyb3c080... > Connection timed out. Click here to try again.
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@dfcarpenter have you tried restarting your Mac? Sometimes I had issues with serial ports and that usually solved it.
should be the correct one.
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