What classes have been implemented and where is the documentation?
I've tried to run things that were already working on WiPy but have failed at the first hurdle. e.g. the machine library contains Pin class but doesn't appear to contain the Timer class. I guess I was expecting this to be like a WiPy (for which there is reference documentation on micropython.org) with extras, but if this is not the case then where should we look to find out what is implemented and hence how to use it?
from machine import Pin
from machine import Timer
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name Timer
This is really starting to get ridiculous with PyCom ... deploying a much awaiting firmware update with ABP and then not providing any kind of documentation updates
To help my fellow coders out, i figured out some items:
lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN, sf=7, tx_power=14)
lora.CODING_4_5Now what the ABP auth tuple should be i haven't figured out. But note again that PyCom did not even fix the TTN OTAA issues
Thanks. I'm having to do a fair bit of guesswork, as there are more statements about the LoPy than the poor 'old' WiPy 2.0 (so far)!
@jgmdavies Most likely most of it does; the main difference between the WiPy 2 and the LoPy is the presence of the LoRa module. Thus anything not related to that will probably be the same.
@jgmdavies Sorry, that I do not know for sure.
@patrick Thanks Patrick - does that apply to the WiPy 2.0 as well then?
Please have a look at the firmware roadmap published on kickstarter:
and no ADC class in machine? ;---(