Any success with GPy on T-Mobile NB-IoT in US? (Maybe with Twilio?)
T-Mobile has (or soon will) enable NB-IoT on their US network. Does anyone have any experience with getting a GPy connected to it? Either direct to T-Mobile or with a Twilio SIM (although Twilio doesn't specifically list NB-IoT as an option, but I have to imagine that's coming soon based on their partnership with T-Mobile)?
@mgranberry Do you have any idea what the NB-IoT coverage in the US is like at the moment? Also, what LTE modem firmware version were you running that code snippet with?
from network import LTE lte = LTE() time.sleep(.500) # lte.send_at_cmd('AT+CPSMS=1') if not lte.isattached(): print("Attaching to h2g2") lte.attach(apn='h2g2') time.sleep(.2) while True: if not lte.isconnected(): time.sleep(0.01) lte.connect() print("LTE not connected") time.sleep(1) continue else: break
Network support is pretty bad right now. Attempts to use SSL always timed out. HTTP is unreliable. Connections go up and down without warning and sometimes towers don't talk. But it does connect fairly reliably if you give the modem a little time between initialization and the attempt to attach.
edit: I'm using Project Fi on T-Mobile's network, so your APN setup will likely need to be different.
@mgranberry Can you please share a litte code snippet how to attach to the NB-IoT network of T-Mobile? My attempts all endet fruitless, yet.
@mgranberry Related to a different question (, could I please ask you to check the result of 'AT+SQNHPLMN?'. I am trying to find out if Sequans supports 6-digit PLMNs in the US.
@eric24 it's a little late, but I was able to connect to T-Mobile's network today using a Google Fi data SIM.