Does pulses_get function have a 200 bit limitation when reading?

  • @Pesien I wonder why you tell that the data is inverted. From the SDI12 spec I cannot tell that it is. But besides that, the spec is not very detailed about that topic, and I have no real unit for testing.

  • @Pesien The 10 bits are 1 start, 7 data, 1 parity, 1 stop.
    my code ignores the start bit (the initial delay skips it) and the parity & stop bit. The latter should always be ignored, to get more time to store the data. Adapting to the reverse polarity and parity should be like the code below. But I will try this evening with reverse polarity.

    from time import sleep_us, sleep_ms
    import gc
    from machine import Pin, disable_irq, enable_irq
    t = Pin("P11", Pin.OUT)
    pin = Pin("P9", Pin.IN)
    def read_ser(pin_unico):
        EOL = const(0x0d)  # maybe \n or \r
        buffer = bytearray(100)
        buffer_size = len(buffer)
        bytes = 0
        while True:
            bits = 0
            while True:  # wait for the start bit
                if pin_unico() == 1:
            sleep_us(390)  # wait for a 1.5 bit times
            sleep_us(390)  # since there is a bug for wait time > 1 ms
            sleep_us(390)  # three shorter sleeps are used.
            for bit in range(8):  # get the next 8 bits including parity
                bits = (bits >> 1) | ((1 - pin_unico()) << 8)
                sleep_us(780)  # to be determined, about a bit time
            bits >>= 1
            bits &= 0x7f # strip off parity
            # print(hex(bits), chr(bits))
            buffer[bytes] = bits
            bytes += 1
            if bits == EOL or bytes >= buffer_size:
                return buffer[:bytes]
    # now msg contains a list of bytes with the response

  • @robert-hh I'm afraid I am not able to make your code work. The SDI-12 sensors have 10 bits/byte, and the 7 data bits are in inverted USASCII code. You also have the starting high bit, the parity bit and the (low) ending bit.
    Trying to adapt your code to these settings has failed, probably because of my own inexperience and the fact that I don't know what some of the things there do, but it might be because of the inverted 7 data bits.
    I'll keep trying.

  • @Pesien Yesterday evening I though I coudl try if my test function works and indeed got it working for 1200 baud, 7 data bits. What cause me some time to overcome was a glitch in the firmware, which I will analyze later: you cannot have reliable sleep_us(x) with x > 1000, means, sleep_us() longer than 1 ms. The resulting sleep time is sometimes much shorter. The code below uses a low for mark, when reading form the pin. If you want to adapt it, you have to invert the level. At the moment it also generates reference pulses at P11 to see, if the read timing matches the data stream.
    In the target, you would pre-allocate buffer.
    Still, using the built-in UARt class with the method discussed below seems more robust to me.

    from time import sleep_us, sleep_ms
    import gc
    from machine import Pin, disable_irq, enable_irq
    t = Pin("P11", Pin.OUT)
    pin = Pin("P9", Pin.IN)
    def read_ser(pin_unico):
        EOL = const(0x0d)  # maybe \n or \r
        buffer = bytearray(100)
        buffer_size = len(buffer)
        bytes = 0
        while True:
            bits = 0
            while True:  # wait for the start bit
                if pin_unico() == 0:
            sleep_us(390)  # wait for a 1.5 bit times
            sleep_us(390)  # since there is a bug for wait time > 1 ms
            sleep_us(390)  # three shorter sleeps are used.
            for bit in range(7):  # get the next 7 bits
                bits = (bits >> 1) | (pin_unico() << 7)
                sleep_us(780)  # to be determined, about a bit time
            bits >>= 1
            bits &= 0x7f
            # print(hex(bits), chr(bits))
            buffer[bytes] = bits
            bytes += 1
            if bits == EOL or bytes >= buffer_size:
                return buffer[:bytes]
    # now msg contains a list of bytes with the response

  • @robert-hh Thank you. I'll try to preallocate an array of bytes before reading and the 1.5 initial bit time and will update with the results.

  • @Pesien Long long ago i made a UART read by pit probing. As far as I recall, the software:

    • waited for the start bit transition, and then
    • probed the value in the middle of the following bit frames.

    I see no reason why your approach would deviate over time. Expept that the time for append increases. So for the 7 bits of a byte I would preallocate a bytearray of 7 bytes, or just shift that into a single int value. Something like:

            EOL = const(0x0a) # end of line
            while True:
                bits = 0
                while True: # wait for the start bit
                    if self.pin_unico()==1:
                time.sleep_us(1200) # wait for a 1.5 bit times
                for bit in range (8): # get the next 8 bits
                    bits = (bits << 1) | (1 - self.pin_unico())
                    time.sleep_us(800) # to be determined, about a bit time
                bits >>= 1
                self.lista_bytes += bits.to_bytes(1, "little")
                if bits == EOL: # maybe \n or 0x0a
    # now msg contains a list of bytes with the response

    Edit: If the lowest order bit is sent fist, then the inner loop may be:

                for bit in range (8): # get the next 8 bits
                    bits = (bits >> 1) | ((1 - (self.pin_unico()) << 8)
                    time.sleep_us(800) # to be determined, about a bit time

    and the shift after the loop can be omitted.

  • @robert-hh I got it working with time.sleep_us, but I have a new problem. When I read the sensor 6-7 times the timers stop working properly, and the more I read it, the worse it gets. It feels like the timers are not reseting when the board does.
    However, manually reseting the board or forcing at the end of the code a power reset fixes it.
    Here is the code, and I'll really appreciate any help you can give me about this problem.
    (The code works reading the pin every 833 us, which is the duration for 1 bit, and storing the value in a list to translate it later. The timer at the end is not 833 because I had to take into acount the time the chip needs to run the code before it.)

            self.pin_unico=Pin(Pin_SDI12, mode=Pin.IN, pull=Pin.PULL_DOWN)
            while True:
                if self.pin_unico()==1:
            while True:
                if len(self.lista_bits)==10:
                    if self.lista_bits==[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]:

    The correct answer for the identification command for this sensor is:
    013DECAGON MPS-6 386889208069\r\n
    (I get this the first 6-7 times)
    Then I get this results:
    013DECAGON MPS-6 38688920807FSFENQ (7th time)
    013DECAGON MPS-6 3868[FSYCAN[CANESCFSFENQ (8th time)
    013DECAGONP&()SYNESCPEM[ESC[[NlLnLMNcB (9th time)

    And so on. As you can see the reading is incorrect because there is some kind of problem with the timers, but the only way I found to solve this was to power reset the board.

  • @jcaron I just tried that. Even if you get no error message, no data is sent.

  • @robert-hh sorry, I meant using the same pin as both TXD and RXD when configuring the UART. Probably not allowed by the internal mux, but you never know.

  • @jcaron The test code used for that was;
    LoPy4 test code:

    from machine import UART
    from time import ticks_us, ticks_diff, sleep_ms
    msg = "cccccccc\n"
    def run():
        uart=UART(1, baudrate=1200, pins=("P3", None))
        for _ in range (3):
            print(uart.wait_tx_done(int((len(msg) * 8.333)) + 10))
            uart.init(baudrate=1200, pins=(None, "P3"), timeout_chars=20)
            uart.init(baudrate=1200, pins=("P3", None))

    PC test code (Lopy4 connected to PC with a USB/Serial adapter, both RX and TX of that adapter connected to LoPy P3:

    import serial
    ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyUSB2", 1200)
    while (True):
        while True:
            line = ser.readline()
            if (b"ccc" in line):
        print("Send Echo")

    Edit: That test code works fine. Trimming is required for the wait time after sending the command.
    Edit2: Actually it's not that difficult. The specified wait time just has to be long enough, because the call returns as soon as the message has been sent (or after the wait time, if that is earlier).

  • @jcaron Yes. That was indeed the intention of the test - using the same pin for send and receive. To some extent it worked, with a strange glitch:
    If in the process of switching the pin from send to receive characters for receive arrive too early, the receiver locks up for a while. I could not determine with my simple set-up, whether it locks up for a certain time (2-3 seconds or ~250 character times at 1200 baud) or for some number of characters, which are dropped. My gut feeling says it's the latter, and has something to do with the receive ring buffer. But I did not look into the code yet, and it is surely tricky to make a proper test set-up.

  • @robert-hh did you by any chance try to use the same pin for RX and TX? I would be surprised if that worked, but you never know...

  • @jcaron I made a little bit of testing. It seems that you can a single Pin between TX and RX, by re-doing the uart init or instantiation between send and receive with the option pins=(pin, None) and pins=(None, pin) for send and receive. That switch takes 600-800 µs, about 1 bit duration. There are some hiccups involved.

    • The other side must not send any characters before the switch from TX to RX has happened. Otherwise, the receiver will lock up and will not detect anything for about 3 seconds (maybe 32 characters, t.d.a.).
    • The Pycom device must wait with switching until all characters have been sent. Otherwise the message will not be sent.

    So its a little bit of tricky timing, which works best if the sensor is a slow responder. But I read that in SDI-12 the sensor must respond within 15 ms. uart.wait_tx_done() may be appropriate for the wait.

  • @robert-hh Ah indeed, had only seen discussion about receiving data, but I now see that the protocol implies data in both directions.

    One may try to give the same pin for both RXD and TXD, maybe? Not sure if the ESP32 would support that. There would probably be "echoing" of sent data if it were the case, though.

    Otherwise the timing issue should be pretty simple. 1200 bits/s, 7 bits, parity, probably one start, one stop, that means 120 characters per second.

  • @jcaron Well, but@Pesien wnat to send AND receive in hald-duplex mode. But it may be possible to switch between send & receive. The only problem would be to find the right time, because the send() returns before the data actually has been transmitted.

  • @Pesien According to the documentation, you can configure the UART to use only one pin if you are only receiving. Just state None as the TXD pin and you should be all set.

  • @robert-hh Then I guess I'll have to try again with interrupts and timers...
    Thank you for your help again, and if you know any better solutions for pulse reading i'd love to hear them.

  • @Pesien No luck with simple hacks. Also machine.RMT offers no better choices. But in documentation there the 128 entry limit is mentioned. I do not know whether this is a limitation of the underlying RTOS or the way the pycom firmware uses it.

  • @Pesien said in Does pulses_get function have a 200 bit limitation when reading?:

    @robert-hh Any new ideas on why is this happening?

    According to the link from @robert-hh this function is part of an API whicht deals with infrared remote controls. They send/receive usualy only short messages.

  • @Pesien I have to check further this evening. The 128 events match the 64 * 4 byte RAM buffer page dedicated to each RMT channel. That should be copied to the ringbuffer to avoid overrung of the RMT RAM, but somehow that does not happen. Trying to assign more than one RMT Buffer page to a channel failed.

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