Firmware Files for Sequans LTE modem now are secured

  • The firmware Files for Sequans LTE modem can be found Here

    Now they are protected by user and password.

    user: pycom
    password: FDhd>$57#hr;zDFE

  • Thank you. I want to use CAT-M1 (not NB-IOT) so it looks like I can leave the modem firmware as it is?

  • Depending on the LTE network you want to use, you will either need to load the NB-IoT firmware, or keep the firmware currently on the device (the 47510 is very similar to 41065 in terms of stability and performance).
    I would advise you to use the following documentation to update the device:, which should be more clear.


  • Hello. I am trying to update the LTE modem firmware on my FiPy according to the instructions here:

    The latest version of firmware available at ( is 41065 (for CAT-M1) and 41019 (for NB-IOT) and I've downloaded both.

    I'd like to do the update via the serial port, and the instructions say to go here ( to download python scripts.

    At that page it says to type:
    import sqnsupgrade
    in order to find out what mode your modem is in and also to find out which version of firmware you're using, in order to use the correct new firmware.

    When I run the above code I get:

    >>> FiPy with firmware version 1.20.2.r2
    Your modem is in application mode. Here is the current version:

    Does this mean that the firmware on my modem (47510) is newer than the firmware I downloaded from Can I assume there is no need to upgrade the firmware??

    Thanks for any help you can offer.

  • Hi, Thanks a lot for the feedback!

    • The link to modem upgrade instructions from the main LTE docs doesn't work and just brings you to the doc landing page. fixed, thanks!
    • Why do we have to sign up to the forum to get the firmware? This is for security reasons, I believe its part of our deal with Sequans
    • Why is the firmware in a password protected directory, in a buried forum post, in a members only section? I copied a link to the forum location to make it more clear! Thanks
    • Why did another user on the forum tell me that upgrading to NB mean I cannot go back to CatM? I believe what they meant to say was that you will not be able to go back to CatM 47510, but that poses no issue
    • Why is the latest NB firmware in the above directory not up to date with Sequan's firmware? the NBioT firmware is up to date, the CatM1 firmware is not, for reasons I mentioned before. I will put this in the page, thanks!
    • Is a firmware update always required or is it only required if upgrading to NB-IoT from the out of the box firmware? I believe this is mentioned on the updatepage, but I will make this more clear.
    • The whole do I use / do I not use upgradedif is confusing. **This is also explained on the update page, upgdiff files are smaller thus make for a faster modem update. In the Flash method, it is only possible to use upgdiff files, **

  • @Gijs Thanks for responding. I'll spitball some points that came up in trying to figure this out and post here in case anyone else was confused.

    • The link to modem upgrade instructions from the main LTE docs doesn't work and just brings you to the doc landing page.
    • Why do we have to sign up to the forum to get the firmware?
    • Why is the firmware in a password protected directory, in a buried forum post, in a members only section?
    • Why did another user on the forum tell me that upgrading to NB mean I cannot go back to CatM?
    • Why is the latest NB firmware in the above directory not up to date with Sequan's firmware?
    • Is a firmware update always required or is it only required if upgrading to NB-IoT from the out of the box firmware?
    • The whole do I use / do I not use upgradedif is confusing.

  • @barryjump please do let me know which parts you find unclear . I know the update process is quite complicated requiring many steps and I have put effort towards improving it, so if there is still anything unclear, let me know!
    You can contact me through pm, or and I will get back to you!
    (nb. please do not say 'all of it' as I cannot really work with that..)

  • @techykermit said in Firmware Files for Sequans LTE modem now are secured:

    Bump for Pycom to really focus on better documentation. This process is a labyrinth of convolution.

  • Hi,
    Unfortunately, the new calibration in December of 2019 is only applied to the modules shipped after that time, and is not user-upgradable. We are working however to get new modem firmware out there. First we have to rigorously test it on our devices, so it does not break yours :)


  • @railmonitor Hi, thanks for the answer. The files in that directory are quite old - I was looking for the firmware files for the GPys that have a re-calibrated modem.

  • @techykermit Here's a link to new and old firmware versions:

  • So is there a fix to this? Downgrading firmware?

  • Which link should I visit for the most recent firmware version?
    Right now, I don't get any prompt to log in if I want to access the link mentioned here.

    The link mentioned in the documentation is now, while the one mentioned above doesn't have a 2 in it. Right now, the versions in both links are the same, but PyCom: what is the current firmware download link that will be used in the future? And, will you still have it password-protected?

  • Hey guys, I just moved from the US to the UK, and own a US configured 3T. I don't get 4G here, even though I pay for it on my phone contract. I'm pretty sure its because in the UK we use different bands to the US.

  • @rskoniec Thanks!

  • @kjm Yes

  • @rskoniec So to rollback a 41065 modem to 39529 I'd do'CATM1-39529.dup') ?

  • My modem still works after the upgrade but has slowed down a lot. I'd really like to rollback too but haven't been able to find a way to do it online. Surely is can't be a one way process?

  • @alejandro Where can I get a copy of older Sequans LTE modem firmware? I upgraded to the latest version but now it won't attach to the AT&T network with my Hologram sim card. It did before the upgrade.

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