Atom woes

  • Something has gone seriously amiss with my Atom v1.38.2/pymakr1.4.14 combo under Windows10. If I try to RUN anything I either get

    >>> Running C:\Users\Kris\Google Drive\My Documents\Pycom\main\
    > Failed to connect (Error: Writing to COM port (GetOverlappedResult): Operation aborted). Click here to try again.

    or it just hangs.

    >>> Running C:\Users\Kris\Google Drive\My Documents\Pycom\main\

    or the GPY runs the code (I can tell from the RGB activity) but no prints come down the USB to the Atom display.

    I've tried swapping GPYs & usb cables to no avail. I don't have a spare v2.1A expansion board but I doubt it's a hardware problem since the USB is otherwise OK & I get a response when typing at the >>> prompt

    >>> a=1;print(a)

    Does this pattern of behaviour ring a bell with anyone? I sure hope so because it's stopped development here dead in it's tracks.

  • Hi @kjm, I moved your topic to Pymakr section.

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