Google IoT and MQTT
Re: [SiPy](Micropython and Google IoT Core MQTT)
I was able to make this work. What made this doable is using the new pycom ucrypto library. Previously it would take ~5 minutes to generate a JWT signature. The following repository has what should be placed in /flash/lib
Next you need to setup your Google IoT registry and download the private key from that process. See these steps:
From the steps above you should have created a private key for the device. Place this key in /flash/cert
Next you must build a configuration file with details from the Google IoT instance. here is an example that I used:
google_cloud_config = { 'project_id':'XXX', 'cloud_region':'us-central1', 'registry_id':'XXX', 'device_id':'XXX', 'mqtt_bridge_hostname':'', 'mqtt_bridge_port':8883 } jwt_config = { 'algorithm':'RS256', 'token_ttl': 43200, #12 hours 'private_key':"" } try:"Loading RSA Private Key...") with open('/flash/cert/private_key.pem','rb') as f: jwt_config['private_key'] = print(jwt_config['private_key']) f.close()"RSA Private Key Loaded") except Exception as e: log.error("Error Loading RSA Private Key: {}".format(e)) jwt_config['private_key']
Finally, use a similar procedure to return an MQTT client:
import mqtt_config import microjwt from umqtt.simple import MQTTClient import machine import time from network import WLAN from machine import RTC import ujson print("connect wifi") wlan = WLAN(mode=WLAN.STA) wlan.connect("XXX", auth=(WLAN.WPA2, "XXX"), timeout=5000) while not wlan.isconnected(): machine.idle() rtc = RTC() rtc.init() if not rtc.synced(): rtc.ntp_sync("") while not rtc.synced(): print("RTC Syncing...") time.sleep_ms(500) print("RTC Time:{}".format(time.time())) print(wlan.ifconfig()) print("wifi connected") def on_message(topic, msg): print("Topic:{} Msg:{}".format(topic, msg)) def get_mqtt_client(project_id, cloud_region, registry_id, device_id, jwt): """Create our MQTT client. The client_id is a unique string that identifies this device. For Google Cloud IoT Core, it must be in the format below.""" client_id = 'projects/{}/locations/{}/registries/{}/devices/{}'.format(project_id, cloud_region, registry_id, device_id) print('Sending message with password {}'.format(jwt)) client = MQTTClient(client_id.encode('utf-8'),server=mqtt_config.google_cloud_config['mqtt_bridge_hostname'],port=mqtt_config.google_cloud_config['mqtt_bridge_port'],user=b'unused',password=jwt.encode('utf-8'),ssl=True) client.set_callback(on_message) client.connect(clean_session=True) client.subscribe('/devices/{}/config'.format(device_id), 1) client.subscribe('/devices/{}/commands/#'.format(device_id), 1) return client print("generate jwt") jwtObj =['project_id'], mqtt_config.jwt_config['private_key'], 'RS256', mqtt_config.jwt_config['token_ttl']) jwt = jwtObj.encodedValue() client = get_mqtt_client(mqtt_config.google_cloud_config['project_id'], mqtt_config.google_cloud_config['cloud_region'], mqtt_config.google_cloud_config['registry_id'], mqtt_config.google_cloud_config['device_id'], jwt) temp = 0; def pub(): global temp temp = temp + 1 message = { "device_id": mqtt_config.google_cloud_config['device_id'], "temp": temp } print("Publishing message "+str(ujson.dumps(message))) mqtt_topic = '/devices/{}/{}'.format(mqtt_config.google_cloud_config['device_id'], 'events') client.publish(mqtt_topic.encode('utf-8'), ujson.dumps(message).encode('utf-8')) def checkMessages(): print("Check Messages...") client.check_msg() time.sleep(1)
Hey @panda are you still out there? What firmware version did you test this on? I can't get any other Google IoT libraries to work due to various firmware bugs and want to try your implementation.
Also refer to the mqtt library used and included in my repository: