[SOLVED] Unable to upgrade PyTrack/FiPy firmware using Pycom Upgrade
I've been trying to upgrade my PyTrack + FiPy using the Pycom Upgrade tool that is available but every time I try to connect the board I keep getting "Could not connect to the board".
Tried changing the baud settings and check uncheck the different settings but to no avail.USB-driver is installed and I can access the device using REPL and also upload/download/run files without any problems at all but upgrading the firmware to get a SigFox Device ID and PAC is not working.
also successfully updated the board so I'm clueless why I cannot upgrade.os.uname()
returns following:sysname='FiPy', nodename='FiPy', release='1.20.1.r3', version='v1.11-58398d3 on 2019-12-12', machine='FiPy with ESP32', lorawan='1.0.2', sigfox='1.0.1', pybytes='1.3.0'
I also don't seem to have a SigFox Device ID nor PAC as they come back as:
SigFox DeviceID: b'ffffffff' SigFox PAC: b'ffffffffffffffff'
when using following code:
# print Sigfox Device ID print("SigFox DeviceID: ", binascii.hexlify(sigfox.id())) # print Sigfox PAC number print("SigFox PAC: ", binascii.hexlify(sigfox.pac()))
Any ideas?
EDIT: Solved in https://forum.pycom.io/topic/5788/solved-v2-register-sigfox-returning-response-registersigfoxdevice-is-missing-some-arguments/5
Was able to update the device using "Flash from local file" and using
which flashed successfully and I got to the confirmation page saying DeviceID, LoRa Mac etc. but SigFox ID and PAC-fields are missing...Is there any other way to get the SigFox ID's in order to register the device on SigFox Backend?
Had to downgrade from 1.20.1.r3 to 1.18.3 due to
-simply not working using 1.20.1.r3
The port must not be used by something else your IDE.
You may run into problems on a device with a high load.. In such a case, open the IDE, stop the script with ctrl-c, close the IDE and start the udate programm. But mind your watchdog. Your device may boot into high load again ;)