Updating firmware of WiPy 3.0 using expansion shield v3.1 - help req'd

  • Hello,

    I have recently purchased a WiPy as im looking to learn the IOT etc, having previously just used Arduino UNO's and Picaxe microcontrollers.

    So far ive spent a lot of time just trying to get started - and the current stumbling block is updating the firmware of the WiPy.

    I have downloaded the bootloader drivers using Zadig, and serial driver in normal mode is correct:


    I have not however managed to run the command promt section of https://docs.pycom.io/pytrackpysense/installation/firmware/ as it does not explain how to modify the command for an expansion board - is this part required?

    Anyway, when I then go to update the firware of the actual WiPy (using Pycom firmware upgrade tool), I get the following:

    Note: I think com port 3 is correct:

    Also, using Atom with Pymakr plugin, I just get the below under com port 3, and it will not let me type commands in the REPL window.

    Any help to allow me to get started would be much appreciated, if I have missed out some info then please let me know.

    Kind regards


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