Acquire data from BNO055 with wipy at high frequency

  • Hi everyone, i'm trying to read data from an IMU sensor with my wipy, from the daatsheet i read that the maxium frequency of the sensor in 400HZ but i can obtain data only at a frequency of 35 Hz, i tried to set the baudrate to 400000 bu nothing change

    # This is a library for the BNO055 orientation sensor
    import pycom
    import struct
    import time
    from machine import I2C
    # configure the I2C bus: use default PIN assignments (SDA = P09, SCL = P10)
    i2c = I2C(0)  # configure the I2C bus
    i2c.init(I2C.MASTER, baudrate=400000)  # init as a master baudrate = freq di lettura del dato
    # I2C addresses
    ADDRESS_B = 0x28  # This is the alternative I2C address; 0101000b
    DEFAULT_ADDRESS = 0x29  # This is the default I2C address of the BNO055 device; 0101001b
    BNO055_ID = 0xA0
    # Page id register definition
    PAGE_ID_ADDR = 0x07  # Read: Number of currently selected page; Write: Change page, 0x00 or 0x01
    # Registrer Descriprion
    """The entire communication with the device is performed by reading from and writing to register. 
    Regoster have width of 8 bits. 
    There are several registers which are either completely or partially  marked as 'reserved'. 
    It is recommended not to use register at all which are completely marked as 'reserved'. 
    The register map is separated into two logical pages, 
    Page 1 contains sensor specific configuration data and Page 0 contais all other cofiguration 
    parameters and output data.
    CHIP_ID_ADDR = 0X00  # BNO055 CHIP ID, chip identification chip, read only fixed value 0x0A
    ACC_ID_ADDR = 0X01  # ACC CHIP ID, chip identification accelerometer device, read only fixed value oxFB
    MAG_ID_ADDR = 0x02  # MAG CHiP ID, chip id of the magnetometer device, read only fixed value 0x32
    GYR_ID_ADDR = 0x03  # GYRO CHiP ID, chip id of the gyroscope device, read only fixed value 0x0F
    SW_REV_LSB_ADDR = 0X04  # Lower byte of SW Revision ID, read only fixed value depending on SW revision programmed on microcontroller
    SW_REV_MSB_ADDR = 0X05  # Upper byte of SW Revision ID, read only fixed value depending on SW revision programmed on microcontroller
    BL_REV_ID_ADDR = 0x06  # Bootloader version, identifies the version of the bootloader in the microcontroller, read only
    # Acceleration Data Registers
    """In fusion mode the fusion algorithm outpt offset compensated acceleration data for each axis X/Y/Z,
    the output data can be read from the appropriate ACC_DATA_<axis>_LSB and ACC_DATA_<axis>_MSB register.
    ACC_DATA_X_LSB = 0X08  # Lower byte of X axis Acceleration data, read only
    ACC_DATA_X_MSB = 0X09  # Upper byte of X axis Acceleration data, read only
    ACC_DATA_y_LSB = 0X0A  # Lower byte of Y axis Acceleration data, read only
    ACC_DATA_Y_MSB = 0X0B  # Upper byte of Y axis Acceleration data, read only
    ACC_DATA_Z_LSB = 0X0C  # Lower byte of Z axis Acceleration data, read only
    ACC_DATA_Z_MSB = 0X0D  # Upper byte of Z axis Acceleration data, read only
    # Magnetometer Data Registers
    """In fusion mode the fusion algorithm output offset compensated magnetic field streght data for each 
    axis X/Y/Z, the output data can be read from the appropriate MAG_DATA_<axis>_LSB 
    and MAG_DATA_<axis>_MSB register. 
    MAG_DATA_X_LSB = 0X0E  # Lower byte of X axis Magnetometer data, read only
    MAG_DATA_X_MSB = 0X0F  # Upper byte of X axis Magnetometer data, read only
    MAG_DATA_Y_LSB = 0X10  # Lower byte of Y axis Magnetometer data, read only
    MAG_DATA_Y_MSB = 0X11  # Upper byte of Y axis Magnetometer data, read only
    MAG_DATA_Z_LSB = 0X12  # Lower byte of Z axis Magnetometer data, read only
    MAG_DATA_Z_MSB = 0X13  # Upper byte of Z axis Magnetometer data, read only
    # Gyro Data Registers
    """In fusion mode the fusion algorithm output offset compensated angular velocity data for each axis X/Y/Z, 
    the output data can be read from the appropriate GYR_DATA_<axis>_LSB and GYR_DATA_<axis>_MSB register.
    GYR_DATA_X_LSB = 0X14  # Lower byte of X axis Gyroscope data, read only
    GYR_DATA_X_MSB = 0X15  # Upper byte of X axis Gyroscope data, read only
    GYR_DATA_Y_LSB = 0X16  # Lower byte of Y axis Gyroscope data, read only
    GYR_DATA_Y_MSB = 0X17  # Upper byte of Y axis Gyroscope data, read only
    GYR_DATA_Z_LSB = 0X18  # Lower byte of Z axis Gyroscope data, read only
    GYR_DATA_Z_MSB = 0X19  # Upper byte of Z axis Gyroscope data, read only
    # Orientation: orientation output only available in fusion operation modes.
    # Euler Angles Data Registers
    """The fusion algorithm output offset and tilt compensated orientation data in Euler angles format 
    for each DOF Heading/Roll/Pitch, the output data can be read from the appropriate EUL<dof>_LSB 
    and EUL_<dof>_MSB registers.
    EUL_DATA_X_LSB = 0X1A  # Lower byte of heading data, read only
    EUL_DATA_X_MSB = 0X1B  # Upper byte of heading data, read only
    EUL_DATA_Y_LSB = 0X1C  # Lower byte of roll data, read only
    EUL_DATA_Y_MSB = 0X1D  # Upper byte of roll data, read only
    EUL_DATA_Z_LSB = 0X1E  # Lower byte of pitch data, read only
    EUL_DATA_Z_MSB = 0X1F  # Upper byte of pitch data, read only
    # Quaternion Data Registers
    """The fusion algorithm output offset and tilt compensated orientation data in Euler angles format 
    for each DOF Heading/Roll/Pitch, the output data can be read from the appropriate EUL<dof>_LSB 
    and EUL_<dof>_MSB registers.
    QUA_DATA_W_LSB = 0X20  # Lower byte of w axis quaternion data, read only
    QUA_DATA_W_MSB = 0X21  # Upper byte of w axis quaternion data, read only
    QUA_DATA_X_LSB = 0X22  # Lower byte of X axis quaternion data, read only
    QUA_DATA_X_MSB = 0X23  # Upper byte of X axis quaternion data, read only
    QUA_DATA_Y_LSB = 0X24  # Lower byte of Y axis quaternion data, read only
    QUA_DATA_Y_MSB = 0X25  # Upper byte of Y axis quaternion data, read only
    QUA_DATA_Z_LSB = 0X26  # Lower byte of Z axis quaternion data, read only
    QUA_DATA_Z_MSB = 0X27  # Upper byte of Z axis quaternion data, read only
    # Linear Acceleration Data Registers
    """Linear acceleration output only available in fusion operating modes. 
    The fusion algorithm output linear acceleration data for each axis x/y/z, 
    the output data can be read from the appropriate LIA_DATA_<axis>_LSB and LIA_DATA_<axis>_MSB registers.
    LIA_DATA_X_LSB = 0X28  # Lower byte of X axis Linear Acceleration data, read only
    LIA_DATA_X_MSB = 0X29  # Upper byte of X axis Linear Acceleration data, read only
    LIA_DATA_Y_LSB = 0X2A  # Lower byte of Y axis Linear Acceleration data, read only
    LIA_DATA_Y_MSB = 0X2B  # Upper byte of Y axis Linear Acceleration data, read only
    LIA_DATA_Z_LSB = 0X2C  # Lower byte of Z axis Linear Acceleration data, read only
    LIA_DATA_Z_MSB = 0X2D  # Upper byte of Z axis Linear Acceleration data, read only
    # Gravity Vector Data Registers
    """Gravity Vector output only available in fusion operating modes. 
    The fusion algorithm output gravity vector data for each axis x/y/z, the output data
    can be read from the appropriate GRV_DATA_<axis>_LSB and GRV_DATA_<axis>_MSB registers.
    GRV_DATA_X_LSB = 0X2E  # Lower byte of X axis gravity vector data, read only
    GRV_DATA_X_MSB = 0X2F  # Upper byte of X axis gravity vector data, read only
    GRV_DATA_Y_LSB = 0X30  # Lower byte of Y axis gravity vector data, read only
    GRV_DATA_Y_MSB = 0X31  # Upper byte of Y axis gravity vector data, read only
    GRV_DATA_Z_LSB = 0X32  # Lower byte of Z axis gravity vector data, read only
    GRV_DATA_Z_MSB = 0X33  # Upper byte of Z axis gravity vector data, read only
    # Temperature Data Register
    TEMP = 0x34  # Read only, data output source can be selectednby updating the TEMP_SOURCE register
    TEMP_SOURCE = 0X40  # The temperature source can be selected by writing to this register.
    TEMP_SOURCE_ACC = 0x00  # xxxxxx00b, the source is the accelerometer
    TEMP_SOURCE_GYR = 0x01  # xxxxxx01b, the source is the gyroscope
    # Status Registers
    CALIB_STAT = 0X35  # The register can be read to see the calibration status of the gyro, the acc and the magn
    INTR_STAT = 0X37
    SYS_CLK_STAT = 0X38
    SYS_STAT = 0X39
    SYS_ERR = 0X3A
    # Unit selection Register
    UNIT = 0x3B
    """"The measurement units for the various data outputs can be configured by writing to the UNIT_SEL register
        -bit 0 select acceleration units, xxxxxxx0b m/s^2, xxxxxxx1b mg
        -bit 1 select angular rate units, xxxxxx0xb Dps, xxxxxx1xb RPS
        -bit 2 select euler units, xxxxx0xxb Degrees, xxxxx1xxb Radians
        -bit 3 reserved
        -bit 4 select temperature units, xxx0xxxxb Celsius, xxx1xxxx Fhahrenheit
        -bit 5-6 reserved
        -bit 7 select orentation mode. 
    The data output format can be selectedby writing to the UNIT_SEL register, this allows user to switch 
    between the orentation definition described by Windows and Android operating system.
    # Mode Registers
    OPR_MODE = 0x3D  # Register to configure the operation mode. Bits <7:4> reserved
    PWR_MODE = 0x3E  # Register to configure the power modes. Bits <7:2> reserved
    SYS_TRIGGER = 0x3F
    # Axis Remap Registers
    """The axis  of the device can be re-configured to the new reference axis.
        -Bit <7:3> are reserved.
        -Bit <2> remapped X axis sign.
        -Bit <1> remapped Y axis sign. 
        -Bit <0> remapped Z axis sign. 
    Value 0 = positive, value 1 = negative.
    AXIS_MAP_CONFIG = 0x41  # bit<7:6> are reserved, 00b X-Axis bit<0:1>, 01b Y-Axis bit<2:3>, 10b Z-Axis bit<4:5>.
    AXIS_MAP_SIGN = 0x42  # Remapped axis signed.
    # Axis Remap Values
    AXIS_DEFAULT = 0x24  # The default value is: Xaxis = X, Y axis =m Y, Z axis = Z; xx100100b
    REMAP_X = 0x00
    REMAP_Y = 0x01
    REMAP_Z = 0x02
    # Accelerometer Offset registers
    """There are 6 bytes required to configre the accelerometer offset.
    Configuration will take place only when the user writes the last byte.
    # Magnetometer Offset registers
    """There are 6 bytes required to configre the magnetometer offset.
    Configuration will take place only when the user writes the last byte.
    # Gyroscope Offset registers
    """There are 6 bytes required to configure the gyroscope offset.
    Configuration will take place only when the user writes the last byte.
    # Radius registers
    """ The radius of accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope can be configured in the following registers.
    There are 4 bytes (2 bytes for each accelerometer and magnetometer) to configure the radius.
    Configuration will take place only when user writes to the last byte.
    # Operation Mode
    # The default operation mode after power-on (or RESET) is CONFIGMODE, this mode is used to configure BNO.
    # CONFFIGMODE is the only mode in which all the writable register map entries can be changed.
    # The operating mode can be selected by writing to the OPR_MODE register.
    ACCONLY = 0X01  # Non-Fusion Mode
    MAGONLY = 0X02  # Non-Fusion Mode
    GYRONLY = 0X03  # Non-Fusion Mode
    ACCMAG = 0X04  # Non-Fusion Mode
    ACCGYRO = 0X05  # Non-Fusion Mode
    MAGGYRO = 0X06  # Non-Fusion Mode
    AMG = 0X07  # Non-Fusion Mode
    IMUPLUS = 0X08  # Fusion Mode
    COMPASS = 0X09  # Fusion Mode
    M4G = 0X0A  # Fusion Mode
    NDOF_FMC_OFF = 0X0B  # Fusion Mode
    NDOF = 0x0C  # Operation mode that use accel, gyro and mag. Reg Value xxxx1100b. There are some different types.
    # Power Modes
    # The power mode can be selected by writing to the PWR_MODE register.
    # As default at start-up the BNO055 will run in Normal mode.
    # If no activity is detected for a configurable duration (5 seconds), the BNO055 enters the low power mode.
    # In normal mode all sensors required fot the selected operating mode are always switched ON.
    NormalMode = 0x00  # It is the default mode. Reg Value xxxxxx00b
    LowPowerMode = 0x01  # In this mode only accelerometer is active. Reg Value xxxxxx01b
    SuspendMode = 0x02  # THe system is paused and all the sensor and the microcontroller are put into sleep mode.
    # Sensor configuration
    ACC_CONFIG = 0x08  # The accelerometer configuration can be changed by writing to the ACC_CONFIG register
    MAG_CONFIG = 0x09  # The magnetometer configuration can be changed by writing to the MAG_CONFIG register
    # The gyroscope configuration can be changed by writing to the GYR_CONFIG register
    GYR_CONFIG_0 = 0x0A  # Bit <5:3> GYR-Bandwidth, bit <2:0> GYR-Range
    GYR_CONFIG_1 = 0x0B  # Bit <2:0> GYR-power-mode
    # VALUES
    # Operation Modes
    _modes = {
        "acc": ACCONLY,
        "magn": MAGONLY,
        "gyro": GYRONLY,
        "accmag": ACCMAG,
        "accgyro": ACCGYRO,
        "maggyro": MAGGYRO,
        "amg": AMG,
        "imu": IMUPLUS,
        "comp": COMPASS,
        "m4g": M4G,
        "ndof_off": NDOF_FMC_OFF,
        "ndof": NDOF
    # Power Modes
    _power = {
        "normal": NormalMode,
        "low": LowPowerMode,
        "suspend": SuspendMode
    def set_configmode():
        # make sure we are on page 0
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, PAGE_ID_ADDR, 0)
        # Enter config mode
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, OPR_MODE, CONFIGMODE)
        time.sleep(0.03)  # Delay for 30 milliseconds
    # Enter operation mode with ' '
    def set_mode(mode):
        if mode not in _modes:
            raise ValueError
        time.sleep(0.03)  # Delay for 30 milliseconds
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, OPR_MODE, _modes[mode])
        time.sleep(0.02)  # Delay for 20 milliseconds
    # configure different power mode
    def set_power(power):
        if power not in _power:
            raise ValueError
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, OPR_MODE, CONFIGMODE)
        time.sleep(0.03)  # Delay for 30 milliseconds
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, PWR_MODE, _power[power])
    # configure default units
    def set_units():
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, UNIT, 0)
    def set_acc():
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, PAGE_ID_ADDR, 0x01)
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, OPR_MODE, ACC_CONFIG)
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, ACCEL_OFFSET_X_LSB, 0x00)
    def set_gyro():
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, PAGE_ID_ADDR, 0x01)
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, OPR_MODE, GYR_CONFIG_1)
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, GYRO_OFFSET_X_LSB, 0x00)
    # Read Vector
    def read_vector(address, count=3):
        # Read count number of 16-bit signed values starting from the provided
        # address. Returns a tuple of the values that were read.
        data = i2c.readfrom_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, address, count * 2)
        result = [0] * count
        for i in range(count):
            result[i] = ((data[i * 2 + 1] << 8) | data[i * 2]) & 0xFFFF
            if result[i] > 32767:
                result[i] -= 65536
        return result
    def read_vector_int(adress, count=3):
        data = i2c.readfrom_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, address, count * 2)
        # result = [0]*count
        # for i in range(count):
        #     result[i] = ((data[i*2+1] << 8) | data[i*2]) & 0xFFFF
        return data
    def calib_stat(address=CALIB_STAT, count=4):
        data = i2c.readfrom_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, address, count * 2)
        # result = [0]*count
        # for i in range(count):
        #     result[i] = ((data[i*2+1] << 8) | data[i*2]) & 0xFFFF
        return data
    def get_calibration():
        """Return the sensor's calibration data and return it as an array of
        22 bytes. Can be saved and then reloaded with the set_calibration function
        to quickly calibrate from a previously calculated set of calibration data.
        # Switch to configuration mode
        # Read the 22 bytes of calibration data and convert it to a list (from
        # a bytearray) so it's more easily serialized should the caller want to
        # store it.
        cal_data = list(i2c.readfrom_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, ACCEL_OFFSET_X_LSB, 22))
        # Go back to normal operation mode.
        set_mode('ndof_off')  # CAMBIARE MODALITà
        return cal_data
    def set_calibration(data):
        """Set the sensor's calibration data using a list of 22 bytes that
        represent the sensor offsets and calibration data.  This data should be
        a value that was previously retrieved with get_calibration (and then
        perhaps persisted to disk or other location until needed again).
        # Check that 22 bytes were passed in with calibration data.
        if data is None or len(data) != 22:
            raise ValueError('Expected a list of 22 bytes for calibration data.')
        # Switch to configuration mode, as mentioned in section 3.10.4 of datasheet.
        # Set the 22 bytes of calibration data.
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, ACCEL_OFFSET_X_LSB, data)
        # Go back to normal operation mode.
    # Read accelerometer
    def get_accelerometer():
        # Return the current accelerometer reading as a tuple of X, Y, Z values in maters/second^2
        # print("funzione get accelerometer")
        x, y, z = read_vector(ACC_DATA)
        return (x / 100.0, y / 100.0, z / 100.0)
    # Read magnetometer
    def get_magnetometer():
        # Return the current magnetometer reading as a tuple of X, Y, Z values in micro-Tesla
        x, y, z = read_vector(MAG_DATA)
        return x / 16.0, y / 16.0, z / 16.0
    # Read gyroscope
    def get_gyroscope():
        # Return the current gyroscope (angular velocity) reading as a tuple of X, Y, Z values in degrees per second
        print("funzione get gyroscope")
        x, y, z = read_vector(GYR_DATA)
        return (x / 900.0, y / 900.0, z / 900.0)
    # Read euler
    def get_euler():
        # Return the current absolute orientation as a tuple of heading, roll, and pitch euler angles in degrees
        # print("funzione get euler")
        heading, roll, pitch = read_vector(EUL_DATA)
        return (heading / 16.0, roll / 16.0, pitch / 16.0)
    def get_euler_int():
        data = i2c.readfrom_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, EUL_DATA, 3 * 2)
        return data
    # Read linear acceleration
    def get_linear_acceleration():
        # Return the current linear acceleration (acceleration from movement, not from gravity)
        # reading as a tuple of X, Y, Z values in meters/second^2
        print("funzione get linear acceleration")
        x, y, z = read_vector(LIA_DATA)
        return (x / 100.0, y / 100.0, z / 100.0)
    # Read gravity
    def get_gravity():
        # Return the current gravity acceleration reading as a tuple of X, Y, Z values in meters/second^2
        print("funzione get gravity")
        x, y, z = read_vector(GRV_DATA)
        return (x / 100.0, y / 100.0, z / 100.0)
    # Read quaternion
    def get_quaternion():
        # Return the current orientation as a tuple of X, Y, Z, W quaternion values
        # print("funzione get quaternion")
        w, x, y, z = read_vector(QUA_DATA, 4)
        # Scale values
        scale = (1.0 / (1 << 14))
        return  x * scale, y * scale, z * scale,w * scale
    def get_status():
        # Return the current orientation as a tuple of X, Y, Z, W quaternion values
        # print("funzione get quaternion")
        cal_status = i2c.readfrom_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, CALIB_STAT, 1)
        # Return the results as a tuple of all 3 values.
        return cal_status
    # Read temperature
    def get_temperature():
        # Retrieves the current temperature in Celtius.
        print("funzione get temperature")
        temp = i2c.readfrom_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, TEMP, 1)[0]
        if temp > 127:
            return temp - 256
            return temp
    def reset():
        # Set the 22 bytes of calibration data.
        i2c.writeto_mem(DEFAULT_ADDRESS, SYS_TRIGGER, 0x20)
        # Go back to normal operation mode.

    this is my library and this the code:

    from socket import socket
    import sys
    import machine
    import pycom
    from machine import Timer
    from machine import idle
    import time
    import utime
    import lib_imu2
    import lib_imu
    from machine import I2C
    from math import sqrt
    from machine import PWM
    from machine import SD
    import gc
    import os
    from machine import idle
        import usocket as socket
        import socket
    # add the other imports here that you need
    # acquire  values. The paramters of the constructor are:
    class Acquire:
        def __init__(self, period=0.01, runtime=60):
            self.temp = Timer.Chrono()
            self.busy = True
            self.runtime = runtime
            self.alarm = Timer.Alarm(self.sample_and_write, ms=34, periodic=True)
            self.test = 0
            self.reset = 0
            self.pause = 0
            self.first = 0
            self.passed1 = 0
            # gc.enable()
            self.inizio = time.ticks_us()
        def stop(self):
        def sample_and_write(self, alarm):
            passed =
            # check, if done, if the time for sampling is expired, then stop
            if passed >= self.runtime:
                self.busy = False
                    receive = client_s.recv(4096)
                except socket.error:
                    if receive == b'stop' or receive == "b'stop'":
                        self.pause = 1
                    if receive == b'resume' or receive == "b'resume'":
                        self.pause = 0
                        self.first = 0
                    if self.pause == 0:
                        imu1 = lib_imu.get_quaternion()
                        passed2 =
                        imu2 = lib_imu2.get_quaternion()
                        passed3 =
                            client_s.send(str(imu1) + ","+str(passed3) +"\n")
                        except OSError as e:
    # set up the hardware
    # imu2
    s = socket.socket()
    ai = socket.getaddrinfo("", 8080)
    print("Bind address info:", ai)
    addr = ai[0][-1]
    s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
    print("Listening, connect your browser to http://<this_host>:8080/")
    res = s.accept()
    client_s = res[0]
    client_addr = res[1]
    print("Client address:", client_addr)
    print("Client socket:", client_s)
    pycom.rgbled(0x161600)  # Red
    acquire = Acquire(0.01, 60)
    # now get the data, until it's done
    while acquire.busy:
    there is someone who could help me ? thanks

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