Help: pytrack V2.0 sensor header information
I need some help and could not find information about physical characteristics of the pytrack2 I2C sensor header (called "pyport" on the board). I think I need some sort of plug for this if I am to add my own sensors but can't work out what to look for that will fit exactly. Is there a specific name for the part, or is there a pycom accessory I should be buying to plug into this header?
In the near future, we will have sensosr in our webshop to attach to this PyPort. Now in the meantime, the connector is for a 6 pin ribbon cable with 1.27mm pin pitch available from most of the well known vendors. The part number: Amphenol 20021511-00006T4LF. Be careful as it is not the regular sized 2.54mm pin pitch connector