PAC and ID for SiPy + SiPy firmware update
I have the 1.0.0.b3 version of the update tool but I can't see SiPy listed in the devices.
According to the topic (SiPy details), I can find the PAC and ID through the update tool (which need to register my SiPy onto the Sigfox backend).
Can someone please confirm if I have the right version of the update tool and what I need to do to update my SiPy and find the PAC/ID?
Thank you.
@jmarcelino Thank you. That's what I needed to know :)
No, Sigfox only assigns ID/PAC combinations to certified hardware manufacturers so short of becoming one yourself you'll have to wait until Pycom is ready to distribute the ones they have.Should really just be a few days now, just them getting the server in place. The most time consuming part - getting the SiPy through certification - was finished last Friday.
Is there any other way I can get the PAC and ID?
The necessary update tool isn't ready yet, should be coming out soon.
Daniel from Pycom just posted an update about it: