OSError: [Errno 90] EMSGSIZE

  • Hi everyone, I am working on a project.
    When I send a bytestring to LoRa I get a error because my bytestring is to long.

    Does someone know how I can resolve this problem?

    import pycom
    import machine
    import time
    from machine import Pin
    import socket
    from network import LoRa
    import binascii
    import array
    from machine import PWM
    ############### LoRa Connectie ###############
    lora = LoRa(mode=LoRa.LORAWAN, region=LoRa.EU868)
    app_eui = binascii.unhexlify('70B3D57ED003B935')
    app_key = binascii.unhexlify('D0258B34705B17B2DD2C87CA07CA5D68')
    lora.join(activation=LoRa.OTAA, auth=(app_eui, app_key), timeout=0)
    # wait until the module has joined the network
    while not lora.has_joined():
        print('Not joined yet...')
    print('Network joined!')
    ############### Weightsensor ###############
    def main():
        while True:
            adc = machine.ADC()             # create an ADC object
            apin = adc.channel(pin='P16')   # create an analog pin on P16
            val = apin()
            low = apin()                    # read an analog value
            high = apin()                    # read an analog value
            if val < 20:
                print("Weight is good")
                binaryString = bin(low)
            if val > 20:
                print("Weight is to high")
                binaryString = bin(high)
                # 50% duty cycle at 38kHz.
                pwm = PWM(3, frequency=78000)  # use PWM timer 0, with a frequency of 5KHz
                # create pwm channel on pin P12 with a duty cycle of 50%
                pwm_c = pwm.channel(0, pin='P20', duty_cycle=1.0)
                pwm_c.duty_cycle(0.3) # change the duty cycle to 30%
            s = socket.socket(socket.AF_LORA, socket.SOCK_RAW)
            s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_LORA, socket.SO_DR, 5)
    if __name__ == "__main__":

  • @jcaron Yes I will try that. Thanks for the advice!

  • @Zino-Henderickx Just spotted the reason:

    the line:
    sends bytes(high), which is a bytearray with the number of bytes, which is given by the value of high. So if high is 1000, it will create a 1000 bytes long object.
    You may use str(high).endcode(), or use struct.pack() as @jcaron mentioned.

  • @Zino-Henderickx you should probably use ustruct to pack your value rather than bytes directly on a float. Don’t have a device at hand to test, but I suspect the latter sends a text version of the float, which can be quite long.

    It shouldn’t be a problem at DR5 though. Log the size and contents of your payload, it should be informative.

  • @Zino-Henderickx The pyaload size of a Lora message depends on the spreading factor, and ranges e.g. for EU868 between 51 and 222 bytes, for US915 between 11 and 222 bytes . How long is the byte strings you attempt to send, and which spreading factor are you using?

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