Pybytes release
When does Pybytes decide to deploy a release? After uploading the example zip package to the release, I deployed the release to a GPy connected to LTE. When will the GPy and Pybytes update the release to the GPy?
GPy is running the most recent firmware.
The GPy has connected to the network multiple times.
I have clicked deploy and it has been a couple of hours.
@Gijs Interesting. Hopefully it gets sorted soon. Thanks.
The releases feature is still in beta, meaning some things are not fully operational yet. I believe the deploy functionality is part of that. When I try to deploy to my device, it reports:Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 259, in _io_thread_func File "", line 197, in _receive_packet File "", line 398, in _recv_callback File "", line 368, in _parse_publish File "", line 341, in _notify_message File "", line 91, in set_callback File "", line 184, in __process_recv_message File "", line 833, in deploy_new_release File "", line 718, in update_files File "", line 39, in update_file_content OSError: [Errno 19] ENODEV
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