Pygate configuration whithout TCP connection

  • Hi,

    I have a Lopy4 board attached to a Pygate. I was trying to listen to a end-device (another lopy 4) with my pygate wihtout having a tcp connection. I only want the pygate to see the lora messages but when i see the config_json file there are two parts : the radio config and the gw config. It is possible to not fill or erase the part for the gw and tcp config and only have the parameters for the radio module?
    Another question, can i program my pygate using c or c++? How? Can i define de radio modules and the 8 channels?

  • @Gonçalo-Ferreira I hope you are not in the EU region, as a LoRa backhaul on a repeater would be quite limited by duty cycle restrictions.

    You can clone the GitHub repo

    You need the install the associated prerequisites (including matching version of the ESP-IDF) to compile and flash, there are detailed instructions about it in the README.

    IIRC the Pygate version is built with VARIANT=PYGATE. Not sure if everything is open source or if there are any parts relevant for your use case which would be binary blobs. The relevant parts of the source should be in esp32/pygate.

  • @jcaron thanks for your reply!
    I am trying to implement a Lora Repeater with the pygate expansion board. Basicaly i want to repeat the signal from a end-device to a gateway with my pygate in the middle, whithout my pygate being connected to any type of network.
    But i am having real troubles programming the pygate expansion board. I dont know how to configure the config file without giving the Gw and Nwk parameters because the board will not be connected to any Wifi or LTE. Then i dont know how to work with the receiver and transmitters using functions. I was thinking in using Espressif and trie to change the firmware of the board so i can program in C/C++. Can you give me some tips?

  • @Gonçalo-Ferreira a LoRaWAN gateway cannot usually work independently. Most of the work is done by the LNS (network server), the gateway is just forwarding data.

    It is the LNS which decrypts/encrypts data, handles registrations, deduplicates data received via multiple gateways, forwards to applications, decides which gateway should send acks and downlinks...

    What exactly are you trying to do?

    A lot of the code is available in the GitHub repo. If you want to do something custom that’s probably a good starting point (along with the datasheet of the radio chips).

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