MemoryErrors even with frozen modules?
I am using an unmodified copy of Pycom's GoogleIOT library including its which I have renamed I have frozen this code into firmware 1.20.0.rc13 (can't use anything newer due to this bug.) It's running on a WiPy2 until my 3s arrive, which shouldn't be a problem because the Google code was written when the 2.0 was still somewhat common. And I've seen this run at least once. But now it will not run at all. What gives? I thought freezing would solve this--especially for a vendor-supplied bit of code that isn't terribly complicated.
>>> import testmain3 Connecting to WiFi ******************* Syncing time with Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "", line 55, in <module> File "", line 105, in connect MemoryError: memory allocation failed, allocating 40960 bytes >>>
As you can see, they've been frozen:
>>> os.listdir() ['', 'cert', '', 'lib', '', 'sys'] >>> help('modules') MQTTClient framebuf struct umqtt MQTTConst gc sys uos MQTTDeviceShadow google_iot_core testmain uqueue MQTTLib hashlib testmain3 ure MQTTMsgHandler json time uselect MQTTShadowManager machine ubinascii uselect __main__ math ubinascii usocket _boot micropython ucollections ussl _main network ucrypto ustruct _thread os uctypes utime array pycom uerrno utimeq binascii queue uerrno uzlib builtins re uhashlib websocket cmath select uio crypto socket ujson errno ssl umachine Plus any modules on the filesystem >>>
I'm at a dead end with this. As mentioned earlier I am required to stick to only an older firmware, but that has a WLAN() bug. I detail the issue more here: for attempting to help!
but i mean
restart your device - do not run any code
and then do above commandsimport gc print(gc.mem_free()) gc.collect() print(gc.mem_free())
and then
import testmain3
same result?
also post here what you got with such print commands as output - how much memmory is free before importtestmain3
I also sprinkled gc.collect() all through the code, at the start and after each operation, same result.
It depend what you run before this import.
do this first:import gc print(gc.mem_free()) gc.collect() print(gc.mem_free())
and then try to import your module if there is 40960 bytes free.
It should be able to import on start of the board as after reset for me it is e.g. 57264
@livius said in MemoryErrors even with frozen modules?:
@BetterAuto said in MemoryErrors even with frozen modules?:
Frosing modules is not a magic trick. If there are dynamic structures then they reside in RAM.
And wipy 2 have really big RAM limits.
I fight with it long to be able to use 12 sensors and display data on ePaper 4.2 inch (400x300 px) but solved it finally.If yuu need to run on it something big you must split modules into parts.
Import one part and when used unload it and go to next part. Hard work but can be done.Understood--but this is code supplied by Pycom two years ago when the WiPy2 was more common. And it worked once. Can't see why it wouldn't work again, especially when frozen.
@BetterAuto said in MemoryErrors even with frozen modules?:
Frosing modules is not a magic trick. If there are dynamic structures then they reside in RAM.
And wipy 2 have really big RAM limits.
I fight with it long to be able to use 12 sensors and display data on ePaper 4.2 inch (400x300 px) but solved it finally.If yuu need to run on it something big you must split modules into parts.
Import one part and when used unload it and go to next part. Hard work but can be done.