Cannot connect to PyGate & GPy

  • I am building a second PyGate + GPy system. I am unable to communicate via USB to the new GPy with the new PyGate. I am able to communicate via USB, if I separate the new parts and use them individually with different older parts.

    The issue "> Failed to connect (Error: Port is not open). Click here to try again.
    Connecting to COM3..."
    I cannot connect to the GPy using PyBytes, Atom, VSCode, or PuTTY.
    I can see COM3 in the Device Manager.

    I have 2 PyGate, 3 GPy, 1 LoPy4, and 1 ExpansionBoardV3.
    Both PyGate are V1R6-915MHz. PyGate#1 with GPy#1 has been running successfully on TTNv3 for 9 months. PyGate#2 with GPy#2 (and GPy#3) was received last week.

    I think PyGate#2 is bad, but am looking for help to see if I can get it running. My troubleshooting so far.

    PyGate#2 & GPy#2 - cannot connect tried 2 computers, numerous reboots, several cables

    PyGate#1 & GPy#1 - connects (hence USB cable good, VSC software good, Pymakr extension good)
    PyGate#2 & LoPy4 - connects (PyGate#2 is good?)
    ExpansionBoard & GPy#2 - connects (GPy#2 is good?)

    Using the ExpansionBoard, I am able to update GPy#2 firmware (with PyGate) I am also able to upload the PyGate software onto the GPy#2. While on the ExpansionBoard, the starts, but is unable to connect to LTE.

    Remove programmed GPy#2 from ExpansionBoard (with firmware update & application software installed) and install on PyGate#2 - cannot connect

    Install programmed GPy#2 and install on PyGate#1 - can connect to COM, opens REPL, starts, but unable to connect to LTE.

    Given the LTE is not connecting, upgraded the LTE modem firmware from version -47510 to -48829 with no effect.

    Am noticing the GPy#2 LED doesn't seem to ever flash or flicker like the GPy#1.

    Any suggestions?

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  • Status Update (12 May 2022) - I was never able to get PyGate#2 to communicate on it's serial port. The supplier ( was very prompt in responding to my issue. Their technical support team stayed in touch and sent me a replacement unit.

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