Timer missing in 0.9.1.b1 ?

  • I am having issues with pymakr and updater app on my mac but ftp, telnet and serial access over USB work fine with my wipy 2.0 and wifi in station mode works well too.
    Update: I had wlan=WLAN(mode=WLA.STA) outside of if machine.reset_cause() != machine.SOFT_RESET: - now pymakr can connect too after changing to wlan=WLAN()

    I extracted the img file from the updater app, renamed it to appimg.bin and ftp:d it into /flash/sys and it appears updated OK - but I can't find the Timer module...

    I need PWM to start playing with a few things...
    Is it just my setup?

    To pycom: please release firmware files separately so they can be ftp:d easily - and list them so I can select versions and see related release notes.

  • That's where you find release notes :)

    Thank you - then I can focus on the parts that work until next update!

  • According to this post https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1795343078/lopy-the-lora-wifi-and-bluetooth-iot-development-p/posts/1709739 you'll have to wait for timer functionality till the 4th of november.

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