Bluetooth WiPy client connecting to WiPy peripheral
I have a WiPy setup as a BLE peripheral as per the example:
import binascii from network import Bluetooth from machine import Timer bt_periph = Bluetooth() bt_periph.set_advertisement(name = 'mag_test', service_uuid = b'1234567890123456') def conn_cb (bt_o): events = if events & Bluetooth.CLIENT_CONNECTED: bt_o.advertise(False) print("Client connected") elif events & Bluetooth.CLIENT_DISCONNECTED: bt_o.advertise(True) print("Client disconnected") bt_periph.callback(trigger = Bluetooth.CLIENT_CONNECTED | Bluetooth.CLIENT_DISCONNECTED, handler = conn_cb) bt_periph.advertise(True) srv_test = bt_periph.service(uuid = b'1234567890123456', isprimary = True, nbr_chars = 1) blaster = srv_test.characteristic(uuid = b'ab34567890123456', properties = Bluetooth.PROP_READ, value = 55) def blaster_cb(chr): print("Read request, returning value = {}".format(blaster.value())) blaster_cb = blaster.callback(trigger = Bluetooth.CHAR_READ_EVENT, handler = blaster_cb)
I also have a WiPy setup as a client, trying to connect so I can read the service characteristic. However, whilst the peripheral is telling me that the client is connected, the client tells me that it is not:
import binascii from network import Bluetooth import time bt_client = Bluetooth() bt_client.start_scan(-1) while True: adv = bt_client.get_adv() if adv and bt_client.resolve_adv_data(, Bluetooth.ADV_NAME_CMPL) == 'mag_test': print ("Found mag test peripheral") print("RSSI : {}, MAC : {}".format(adv.rssi, binascii.hexlify(adv.mac))) bt_client.stop_scan() try: conn = bt_client.connect(adv.mac) while not conn.isconnected(): conn = bt_client.connect(adv.mac) time.sleep(0.100) print("Connected...") services = for service in services: time.sleep(0.300) if type(service.uuid()) == bytes: print('Reading characteristics from service = {}'.format(service.uuid())) else: print('Reading characteristics from service = %x' % service.uuid()) chars = service.characteristics() while conn.isconnected(): for idx, char in enumerate(chars): if ( & Bluetooth.PROP_READ): print(" : {}".format( time.sleep(1.000) print("Disconnected...") break except Exception as ex: print("Exception caught...") print(ex) else: time.sleep(0.050)
never returns True, despite the peripheral reporting a connection. I know the connection works, because I can connect and read the characteristic value with a smartphone application.If I ignore the
connection state and try to create a services object anywayservices =
then an exception is generated with "connection is already closed"Any help for troubleshooting / hunting down the cause would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for pointing out this bug. It has been fixed on the latest release 1.7.1.b1.
I have the same problem with two Lopy, I lose connection immediately:)
That's OK. As we all know there is no magic, only great science and engineering. ;-)Seriously now, we all get that message it's related to storage of BLE bonding keys in the NVS ( non-volatile storage ) area which isn't ready yet. Nothing to worry about.
When power up the BLE I Have this messages:
RF Init OK with coex
Enable Classic BT
Enable Low Energy
@jmarcelino I try also to increase the sleep time (a connection every 2 seconds) but the problem persists
I understand you're re-trying to connect but triggering a new connection ( conn = bt_client.connect() ) ten times a second sounds like a bad idea to me. I can't see why you'd have to do that but I'll do some tests later today.
@lcgeldenhuys So the problem is the WiPy firmware? I actually use the release 1.6.7.b1 and your code does not work.
There is a fix for that or the only way to perform a BLE connection is to downgrade the firmware?
I downgraded to 1.4.0.b1 as I was sure this worked some time ago, and indeed, it works again!
Also, tried using the example client code to connect to other peripherals, e.g. the Tile. Same behaviour, namely a mobile app (specifically is able to connect and interrogate the services and characteristics, but the WiPy fails.
Using current firmware 1.6.5.b1