Screen blank
I have flashed the latest firmware, and am attempting to connect via scree. However, the last program I loaded runs in a continuous While loop, cycling the LED colours. Now when I attempt to connect via screen all I get is a blank, presumably because the Wipy is busy with the While loop?
@robert-hh and @RobTuDelft thanks for your help, I am now up and programming! Perhaps a few of the issues I had could be better explained in the documentation, happy to provide some feedback if requested. Cheers!
@robmarkcole The empty screen at the beginning of the screen session is normal. While you were absent, your WiPy has booted and sent it's greetings, and now that you come with screen, it's simply waiting.
For Telnet and FTP. You have to connect you PC to the AP wipy-wlan-ac14 (?) created by the WiPy, with the password '' . This creates the "air cable" between your mac and the WiPy, and assigns you to your computer an IP address in the 192.168.4.x range. Then you can use protocols like Telnet and FTP, which require the login name 'micro' and password 'python'.
Please note, that while you are connected with WIFi to the WiPy, you cannot have a WiFi connection to the internet at the same time.
@robmarkcole I don't think you can use telnet of ftp over a usb connection (correct me if I'm wrong). For that I use Wi-Fi only, so the address would then be its ip-address. It's no problem that your usb connection gets named a little bit different.
Maybe the connection will only trigger when sending something? I don't experience this issue with putty or my own simple Python telnet client for that matter.
@RobTuDelft Whilst I can connect via Screen, Telnet times out, as does FTP.. Any ideas? Wrong address? I note that my usb connection differs slightly from the example being /dev/cu.usbserial-DQ0058HD
Also after I connect via screen, I am initially presented with a blank screen, and only get the >>> after entering the first command (as below), is this normal?
@jmarcelino Thanks that was it, restarted my mac now connecting OK
@robmarkcole Correct, in safe boot will not run, and this would mean that your WiPy will run in access point mode. Therefore you would have to connect to its network in that case.
"Resource busy" probably means you have another screen session attached to the serial device. Make sure you kill all your screens.
@RobTuDelft I can see the Wipy wifi but am not connected to it. I previously configured the wipy to connect to my home network, but suppose that in safe mode it wouldn't connect..?
@robmarkcole Just checking, are you connected to your Wipy's Wi-Fi network?
Thanks Rob, tried both methods in the link but no luck
@robmarkcole, sorry I don't have a Mac. But have you tried the instructions from this link?
Thanks, I have booted it in safe mode and have the slow blink blue light, but now different issue with screen. I have identified the port using the Arduino app
Now I should be able to connect with
But I get a very quick message stating something like 'cannot open line.. resource busy' and 'Sorry, could not find a PTY'... Any advice? Thanks