OEM LoPy (L01) Eagle part/library
Is it available?
Hi @scott,
Many thanks for that work ! Thinking this morning that I will do it too this week-end, but you do it so I can do an other thing.
The Sipy seem to be the same as the Lopy so it can be easy to duplicate them.
@danielm I've uploaded my own Eagle library for the L01 LoPy OEM (and W01 WiPy OEM) here: https://github.com/SgAu/pycom_eagle_libraries
Check yourself that you are happy that the libraries match the specs and are fit for your purposes.
Please let me know if you find them useful. Thanks.
Any news on this request?
Could you please share OEM baseboard design in vector format which could be imported into Eagle, Altium, etc.?
Because as pdf it does not make much sense :)
Hi @danielm,
Currently, the OEM baseboard design is available both as schematic and layout. Once the OEM modules release, there should be more information available.