Pytrack GPS library or how to start?
Hi everyone.
While waiting the arrival of the PyTrack I want to prepare the code to read and save data from the GPS, but there is no information yet about the library or any example on the documentation.
I decided to buy Pytrack because I've never worked with GPS before and I imagined that it'd easier to work with, but without this information I don't know how to start.
Any recommendation? Any compatible library or starting point? When will you post the information? I've seen a project in this forum but the GPS was UART instead of I2C.
Thank you.
your parser is really minimalistic and do not check crc and fix
the best i have found was need some modifications to be more usefull and you extend error handling.
Also at the end you need to add GLONASS commands to the list - but work like a charm :)
@bucknall thank you again! I just ordered the wipy + pytrack, i'll start experimenting in the next days :D
@ozeta You can find the GPS library and example here -
Right now it will return longitude and latitude, I'm working to implement the other GPS features at the moment and will come in the next week/two weeks.
@bucknall hi, any news from gps library docs?
@amartinez I wrote my own: (and properly registered on
@bucknall Great! Thank you Alex!
Hi @amartinez,
To summarize what I messaged to you; the library documentation will be published towards the end of this week/early next week. We're currently ensuring that the MicroPython Libraries for the Pysense and Pytrack are complete and easy to use. They are connected to the Pycom modules via the i2c bus.