Getting started?

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    I downloaded the latest PyMakr (1.0.0b4) from the website... I managed to get it to connect to my LoPy via Wifi ( but I don't get prompted to update the firmware.

    On the package it says this is mandatory before the module can be used.

    How do I trigger to firmware upgrade manually?

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  • @daniel Just confirming the firmware update worked fine after installing the dialog package. Didn't know that this was a Linux package, but after re-reading the error makes sense.

    Thanks !

  • @Xykon I wondered exactly the same after posting. The safemode was on via the jumping of G28.

    I just tried again with active mode and the transfer worked. Thanks for the tip !

    The reason I chose passive mode was because of this

    **The FTP server on the LoPy doesn’t support active mode, only passive, therefore, if using the native unix ftp client, just after logging in do:

    ftp> passive**

    @daniel - should this be changed ? Or does this only apply to the native FTP client ? In that case it probably should be pointed out in the FileZilla section of this page to

    Will the documentation and sources be on GitHub soon ? If that is the case I am happy to help out via fork and provide a patch.

  • administrators

    @leogaggl said in Getting started?:

    @Xykon Thanks for that. I did have Max connections limited as well as passive mode on. It seemed to transfer the file with intermittent breaks. However it failed with an error in the end.

    Just wondering, did you rename the firmware file appimg.bin before trying to upload? Also did you set active mode (you mentioned using passive mode)?

    Did you boot into safeboot mode by connecting a wire between 3.3V and G28 and remove it once the blue heartbeat led starts?

  • @Xykon Thanks for that. I did have Max connections limited as well as passive mode on. It seemed to transfer the file with intermittent breaks. However it failed with an error in the end.

  • administrators

    @leogaggl said in Getting started?:

    @leogaggl Tried to update firmware via 3rd method (FTP) and can not successfully upload the firmware file via either Ubuntu FTP command (or Filezilla upload fails as well - upload starts and gets to the end very slowly however fails with error at the end):

    ftp> pwd
    257 /flash/sys
    ftp> put lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin
    local: lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin remote: lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin
    227 (192,168,4,1,7,232)
    netout: Broken pipe
    ftp> put lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin
    local: lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin remote: lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin
    227 (192,168,4,1,7,232)
    netout: Connection reset by peer

    I don't think the command line ftp client works for this. You need to limit the nr. of connections to 1, and I haven't found how to do that in the command line version.

    In Filezilla, got to transfer settings and set Transfer mode to Active, Check Limit number of simultaneous connections, and set Maximum number of connections to 1.

    alt text

    I also tested the Linux firmware updater which worked fine (I already had dialog installed).

  • administrators

    I asked this on the topic in Announcements already but it seems I can no longer reply to the topic there.

    Where can I find the firmware source code for LoPy?

  • Hello guys,

    Please install dialog first:

    sudo apt-get install dialog

    We'll add this to the instructions. Sorry for the issues.


  • @leogaggl Tried to update firmware via 3rd method (FTP) and can not successfully upload the firmware file via either Ubuntu FTP command (or Filezilla upload fails as well - upload starts and gets to the end very slowly however fails with error at the end):

    ftp> pwd
    257 /flash/sys
    ftp> put lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin
    local: lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin remote: lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin
    227 (192,168,4,1,7,232)
    netout: Broken pipe
    ftp> put lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin
    local: lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin remote: lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin
    227 (192,168,4,1,7,232)
    netout: Connection reset by peer

  • @leogaggl Also tried to update via the python script in /bin/ of the Linux update TAR

    python --file ../firmware/lopy_0.9.0.b2_915.bin
    Exception: [Errno 111] Connection refused, on line 286

    Is there some kind of editing function in this forum ? Had to use new reply as you can't seem to edit. Which brought up the following error:

    As a new user, you can only post once every 600 second(s) until you have earned 3 reputation - please wait before posting again

  • I can confirm this to be the case on my end as well. I also use Ubuntu 16.04LTS. PyMakr is running fine and connects to the board via USB. However I don't get a prompt to update firmware.

    When I download the Linux Firmware updater and boot into safe mode I only get this when running the update script:

    ./update: 24: ./update: dialog: not found
    ./update: 69: ./update: dialog: not found
    ./update: 110: ./update: dialog: not found
    ./update: 129: ./update: dialog: not found

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    Why is it not possible to edit your own posts? (Checking to see if this has been fixed)

    Anyway I wanted to add that I'm using Ubuntu Linux 16.04.

    I did try the Windows firmware updater but since I don't have Wifi on my Windows PC it seems the updater doesn't work.

    How do I update the firmware in Linux?

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