Cannot prevent WIFI console output
Hi all,
I'm using the network.WLAN module to connect to my WiFi router using the LoPy but I'm really annoyed by the fact that the status output on the console cannot be shut down.
It would be nice if there could be a "verbose" parameter to be set during the initialization
@jmarcelino Thanks. I think I tried that this morning, but w/o success. I'll retry this evening.
Ha yes, slightly different setup on my side sorry.You should add
to your pycom-micropython-sigfox/esp32/sdkconfig.h
@jmarcelino Which file is to change where. The only sdkconfig file I have here in the sdk is:
in sdkconfig
What is the compile time option exactly?
It's not easy because those come from the low level ESP-IDF C API (the "operating system") where that's a compile time option.
You can recompile the firmware yourself and disable but then there's no dynamic way to turn them back on again.
That said if you access the console (REPL) over telnet instead of the serial port you won't see them.
I completely second this, especially after the REPL console starts up.