jupyer kernel
Just playing with a microBit, very nice that I can interactively develop on it from within a jupyter notebook using https://github.com/takluyver/ubit_kernel would be great to have this functionality with pycom boards!
Photo in use I would upload this photo but limited to 512k ??
Ok by following this guide and using the config below I have my LoPy running through a Jupyter notebook.
:{ "argv": ["python3", "-m", "jupyter_micropython_kernel", "/dev/cu.usbmodemPy343431", "115200", "-f", "{connection_file}"], "display_name": "MicroPython", "language": "micropython" }
I wrongly assume theatjupyter notebook
is hardware not the software ;-)
I have never heard about it.
@livius specifically, interactive development from within a jupyter notebook. Il do a project using it and post that :-)
would be great to have this functionality with pycom boards!
what do you mean here?
You can drive leds with pycom boards
you can have buttons
you can drive motors...