is it possible to upgrade the firmware of the wipy2 mounted on the pytrack?

  • is it possible to upgrade the firmware of the wipy2 mounted on the pytrack or do I need to mount it over the expansion board?

  • Yes it is. The "trick" for me was to uncheck the High Speed transfer option when selecting the COM port. Once I did that it connected right away. For the jumper I used a terminal block lead (terminal blocks on each end) from an arduino kit connected to the little solder spikes on the Wipy 2 board. The update took 1- 2 minutes although I didn't time it.

  • @ozeta
    If you have an expansion board I really suggest using it.

    I've not been able to use the Pytrack with the firmware update utility, for one because it's not easy to ground P2 pin to put the board into update mode but also the serial drivers seems to lack something needed by the update tool.

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