Reading descriptors of BLE Client GATTc device
Hi there,
Is there anyway to read descriptors within gattc devices? I'm connecting to a HM-10 BLE Device.
bluetooth = Bluetooth()
conn = bluetooth.connect(binascii.unhexlify("D43639DE7A5A"))[2].characteristics()[0].write("HI")This works, my serial shows "HI"
However, I'm unable to change the setting to enable indications/notifications on the bluetooth device.
Usually I have to write (b'\x01\x00') to the first descriptor of[2].characteristics()[0]e.g.[2].characteristics()[0].descriptor[0].write(b'\x01\x00') to enable indications.
But there is no such function descriptor.
Callback will never work as ble devices will have to manually enable the indication / notification flag.
Hope you guys can assist me.
Have started on issue on this in github