WiPy 2.0 to send data to dweet.io and then display the data into freeboard.io
Hi All,
I'm trying to send data from my WiPy device to the dweet.io site using a "post" call.
I'm using the following lib: https://github.com/micropython/micropython-lib/blob/master/urequests/urequests.pyAnd I wrote the following code (Note, the indentation does not work here and I used .... instead)
import urequests
import jsonmyData = {'Value_1': 20, 'Value_2': 300}
....response = urequests.post("https://dweet.io/dweet/for/TheThing", data = json.dumps(myData))
except Exception as e:
.....print(e)I'm receiving back the following message
As you can see the payload ({'Value_1': 20, 'Value_2': 300}) is not passed through and I'm running out of idea on why this is happening.
Does anyone has an idea or suggestion ?
Thank you in advance for your help.