Bluetooth LE set_advertisement with flag and service_data

  • I try to make BLE beacon app and listener with no connection.

    I've develop an Android application who send BLE beacon no_connected, she work well and my LoPy receive and decode correctly all beacon.

    I try to develop the android application on a second LoPy, but I've some problem with the pycom bluetooth library.

    Only service_data in set_advertisement

    When I try to advertise in bluetooth with my LoPy, if I add only service_data in the bluetooth.set_advertisement, no data was send, when i start the bluetooth.advertise ( checked with a UberTooth )


    If I use only the manufacturer_data, all my data was sent correctly but not in the good container ! ( checked with a UberTooth )


    How I can send only service_data in the BLE advertise ?

    Set flag value in in set_advertisement

    I use another Lopy to receive data sent by my LoPy advertiser
    But the flag in the data have a bad value (6) not referenced in the
    How, i can set the flag value in bluetooth.set_advertisement ?


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