pymakr plugin + atom
Just received my first Lopy boards and have followed the getting started guide carefully. In section 1.3.2, (pymakr plugin) the plugin fails to install (due to serial port issue I believe). I've seen several messages about this issue but no clear solution or fix. Is there a document available which can guide me through an alternative IDE setup?
As someone suggested in this forum, I tried installing ATOM 1.18.0 then loading pymakr (after deleting the .atom folder). The result was similar in that the plugin failed to load. The error is different however (Error: EPERM ).
Not sure what operating system you are using... If you have Windows you could try VS Code instead of Atom. If you are on Windows, you should try using Atom version 1.18 with the Pymakr plugin.
More about Atom and Pymakr plugin issues on Github HERE
More info if you are using Windows 10:
The easiest way to fix this for Windows 10 is to downgrade to Atom 1.18, you can download it from here:
half way down the page is version 1.18, I downloaded the AtomSetup.exe file for windows10.
Make sure you don't upgrade to 1.19 or above until the Pymakr plugin is fixed.Also Atom is by default set to auto update so as soon as you open it, go to menu >>> help >>> about atom
Then un-check the "Automatically download updates"Then install the Pymakr package. From Menu >>> Packages >>> Settings View >>> Install Packages
In the Install Packages search box, type in pymakr, it's down a couple in the search, press 'Install'I had to remove the pymakr package manually because I had Atom previously installed. It's located something like c:\users\yourusername.atom\packages
I have it all working, now dealing with a serial port connection issue. Can't connect with all the default settings and the correct com port (com6 port etc... )
@JimT For pymakr + atom, look also here:
@JimT The documentation is a good source, starting from here:
Which tells you how to get the REPL prompt an set up ftp.My personal preference for ftp is the fireftp plugin of firefox, but Filezilla is mostly used.
@robert-hh do you mean v 1.18 or earlier?
I did try 1.18.0 but it failed to load plugin. Is there a document available regarding the setup of putty, picocom and ftp client? Thanks
@JimT From the discussion here it seems that you have to use atm v 1.18 or older. But you can always work with LoPy using the barebone methods with a serial terminal like Putty (Win), screen or picocom for the REPL prompt, and an ftp client for file transfer. That seems a little bit less comfortable, but is robust. Some IDE or editors have an ftp plugin, which makes codes transfer easy. And doing that, you are not mislead in whether you actually transferred a script to LoPy or not.