LoRa TTN never joined but I can see the requests on TTN
Set up:
One LoPy as nanogateway
(sysname='LoPy', nodename='LoPy', release='1.7.9.b3', version='v1.8.6-747-gc4ec6110 on 2017-08-09', machine='LoPy with ESP32', lorawan='1.0.0')One LoPy as TTN Node
(sysname='LoPy', nodename='LoPy', release='1.7.9.b3', version='v1.8.6-747-gc4ec6110 on 2017-08-09', machine='LoPy with ESP32', lorawan='1.0.0')On Node
while not lora.has_joined(): time.sleep(2.5)
never ends
@jmarcelino It works as it should be.
Many thanks for your advice. You are always right!
I also have problem with downlink messages thru ttn console...
Probably same as https://forum.pycom.io/topic/1653/rf-noise-and-lorawan-join-issuesMy advice for now is to use ABP instead of OTAA