WiPy 2.0 with GPRS SIM800
Hi all
While I wait for the release of FiPy, I would like to do a router using a SIM800 connected through the UART1 to WiPy2.0, so the wiPy use the WiFi as AP and the SIM800 to have internet access for the clients connected to the AP.
I don't have any problem with the SIM800 using AT commands, but I don't know how "through" instructions, like ntp library, using the UART1 where I have connected the SIM800.
(Use PPP or LwIP through SIM800)I have the SIM800 in transparent mode, so It is no neccessary to use the AT Commands.
Any help?
Thanks so much
Dear @Roqueton,
we have tried to implement SIM800 PPPoS support (WIP), see also [1,2,3].
With kind regards,
Andreas.[1] https://github.com/pycom/pycom-micropython-sigfox/pull/408
[2] https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/ppp-over-serial-pppos-support-for-micropython-on-esp32/2994
[3] https://community.hiveeyes.org/t/unlocking-and-improving-the-pythings-sim800-gprs-module-for-micropython/2978/29