temerature sensor for Wipy 2.0 w/ext. board
So me and my friends want to do project for university based on my WiPy 2.0 put into extension board.
Project is:
Make multi-point temperature sensor system that will measure temp. on min. 4 sensors and will visualise all 4 sensors in real time on 2d or 3d diagram using any dev board and language.And we havem problems with choosing right temp sensors that will work with wipy2 with no probs (or at least that won't have too much of them ;) and what modules will we need?
Other thing is taht we will not have money for PySense module especially that my WiPy is already connected to expansion board and I'm not sure if it's ok to try to pull module out of it.I've been thinking about DS18B20 from botland and btw yes I'm from Poland so this shop would be perfect :)
Regards, Horacy :)
@kop524 said in temerature sensor for Wipy 2.0 w/ext. board:
As near all pins can be redirected then choose is quite simple
i only ommit for sensors pins used for SD card communication and sometimes inputonly
look at https://docs.pycom.io/chapter/datasheets/
there are good descriptions about pins - you must choose self.
@livius Thx for fast reply do I need to have breadbooard or not?
And which pins will be the best to connect sensors?
for DS18B20 you need only one lib
https://github.com/pycom/pycom-libraries/blob/master/lib/onewire/onewire.pyand this is simple to use like
temps = DS18X20(Pin('P10'))
and then
return you list of DS18B20 sensors
you can read them one by one passing rom as parameter tostart_conversion
Hey sorry for no reply had no time due to my university.
Few more things do I nned Breadboard to connect them?
Which libs are needed to run those sensors?
Do You guys know some code templates to run them?As I said it will be like:
4 sensors taking temps inreal time and (s1 + s2 +s3 +s4)/4
and use led on exp. board to show if it's ok or too high/low on that basis.Regards, Horacy.
@kop524 said in temerature sensor for Wipy 2.0 w/ext. board:
Other thing is taht we will not have money for PySense module especially that my WiPy is already connected to expansion board and I'm not sure if it's ok to try to pull module out of it.
It's no problem to remove a WiPy2 from the expansion board. I do it all the time. Just pull it out straight.
Hi @kop524 , that temperature sensor (DS18B20) is correct!
I just saw your post.Check this out: https://www.hackster.io/55969/fridge-sensor-6989a6
Best wishes