Lopy 1.0 firmware update
Dear Community,
I'm happy to have 1 LoPY 1.0 but cannot use it. (I'm a newbie so I'm learning..I bought it on kickstarter without knowing what to do with it but I like to lear new things.
I count on you guys to help me out a bit.
For now, I would like to make the firmware update but I have to connect a jumper cable...I don't have this cable...
Normally Pycom send this cable with the lopy and the board right ?
Unfortunately I don't have one and don't know what to do..
let me know have your output.
thanks a lot in advance.
best regards from Switzerland.
@Makabeez Hey there Maka - the 'cable' is in fact just a wire that is used to connect the GND to G23. Any thin wire will do.