Read unsigned byte from the specified register I2C

  • I'm trying to translate a Python library for the SI1145 into a microPython library.
    Things were going good until I had to translate this line
    paramVal = self._device.readU8(SI1145_REG_PARAMRD)

    according to the documentation the readU8 command reads an unsigned byte from the specified register.
    I tried to translate this to
    paramVal = self._device.readfrom_mem(self._address, SI1145_REG_PARAMRD, 1)
    which results in a
    TypeError: unsupported types for : 'bytes', 'bytes'

    I'm not sure if the problem is with the translation I made since I don't really understand what the error means.

    You can find the original python library here

    The code I came up with so far:

  • Never mind I found the problem.
    It was actually in the line above
    paramVal = self._device.readfrom_mem(self._address, SI1145_REG_PARAMRD, 1)

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