Loraserver.io & Pycom Source Code

  • Hi @jmarcelino

    You tweeted about a joint event with Loraserver.io

    Did you have to do anything fancy with the nanogateway code to make it compatible with Loraserver.io ?


  • I'm trying to use nano-gateway with loraserver.io but I can not downstream messages just upstream.

    Can you share if you had the same problem?

  • This post is deleted!

  • @gas
    HI. How are you.

    I have the pi as a lora server and am using the one lopy as a gateway and one lopy as a node. Still am new to the lora server and have some issue.

    Could you please tell what the steps you did to achieved the communication.

    Your help will be appreciated.

    Thank you

  • @gnm Im glade to helping you

    BTW gotthard is a private server to... and Petr Gotthard , the guy that build this server , is a very nice man , all time happy to helping you when u need something ... same kind of person like @jmarcelino


  • Hi @chumelnicu

    Thank you for the information, I find it very usefull. I will keep trying a bit more in my free time to figure out the way to make a small private and local (not in the cloud) LoRaWAN network using nano-gateway. If I can't do it with loraserver.io I will make an attempt with https://github.com/gotthardp/lorawan-server

  • @ahaw021 Hi

    At this time the lora server have been radically rebuilt.... now additional network-server and channel manager have been introduced.

    Although previous releases go out of the bo,x at this point, it does not go even if u use a SX1301 based concentrator. I try personal that.

    This is because some automates flows were introduced through the network server and I think there is a module called channel-manager that needs to be installed on the concentrator and is for multichannel lora concentrators

    An idea would be to use a distribution older than October 2017 of the lora server and should go with the lorawan nanogateway ... but you have to consider that it is still a single-channel concentrator ...

    Or if you want to use a private lora server, that works with nanogateway try :


    Beware .... the UDP port for up and downs , is 1680 on this server

    Good luck!

  • Hi,

    I have tryed a lot of combinations (but not all) of users (loraroot, loragw, loraserver, loraappserver) in backend.mqtt, network_server.gateway.backend.mqtt and application_server.integration.mqtt , obtaining exactly the same result every time:

    • list itemThe log when running the "journalctl -u loraserver" command contains the following error message (logs without error are not shown for clarity):

    raspberry loraserver[4700]: time="2018-02-17T13:57:01-03:00" level=info msg="finished unary call with code NotFound" error="rpc error: code = NotFound desc = object does not exist" grpc.code=NotFound grpc.method=DeactivateDevice grpc.service=ns.NetworkServer grpc.start_time="2018-02-17T13:57:01-03:00" grpc.time_ms=3.212 peer.address="[::1]:42268" span.kind=server system=grpc

    • list itemThe log when running the "journalctl -u lora-app-server" command througs the following error messages (only error messages are shown for clarity):

    raspberry lora-app-server[11045]: 2018/02/17 11:45:12 http2: server: error reading preface from client read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
    raspberry lora-app-server[11045]: time="2018-02-17T11:45:46-03:00" level=info msg="finished unary call with code Unauthenticated" error="rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = authentication failed: jwt parse error: token contains an invalid number of segments" grpc.code=Unauthenticated grpc.method=Profile grpc.service=api.Internal grpc.start_time="2018-02-17T11:45:46-03:00" grpc.time_ms=0.227 peer.address="[::1]:41694" span.kind=server system=grpc
    raspberry lora-app-server[11045]: time="2018-02-17T11:45:46-03:00" level=info msg="finished unary call with code Unauthenticated" error="rpc error: code = Unauthenticated desc = authentication failed: jwt parse error: token contains an invalid number of segments" grpc.code=Unauthenticated grpc.method=List grpc.service=api.Organization grpc.start_time="2018-02-17T11:45:46-03:00" grpc.time_ms=0.483 peer.address="[::1]:41680" span.kind=server system=grpc
    raspberry lora-app-server[11045]: 2018/02/17 11:45:56 http2: server: error reading preface from client timeout waiting for client preface
    raspberry lora-app-server[11045]: time="2018-02-17T11:47:37-03:00" level=info msg="finished unary call with code InvalidArgument" error="rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = passwords must be at least 6 characters long" grpc.code=InvalidArgument grpc.method=UpdatePassword grpc.service=api.User grpc.start_time="2018-02-17T11:47:36-03:00" grpc.time_ms=13.703 peer.address="[::1]:41692" span.kind=server system=grpc

    The problem/s seem to be releated with some wrong password, but I can't figureout wich of them.
    Maybe the problem is releated with the application creation/configuration...but the only password y changed was the login password.

    I don't think it matters but maybe it worths mentioning that the raspberry is cabled to my router (wifi disabled)...however, I think it doesn't matter.

    Thanks in advance guys

  • Thanks @Xykon for your advice!!
    I introduced the raspberry's IP in SERVER in config.py buy it still doesn't work.
    I will try to change the users in packet_forwarder.username, network_server.gateway.backend.mqtt.username and application_server.integration.mqtt.username (the last one seems to be ok...) and I will let you know.
    Tks again!!

  • administrators

    @gnm said in Loraserver.io & Pycom Source Code:


    I don't know much on the subject but SERVER='' will not work.

    You need to set the IP address for the Raspberry Pi instead.

    packet_forwarder.udp_bind='' means list on all IP interfaces on this host (on udp port 1700).

    Still the nano gateway needs to send the data to a specific host.

  • Hi @ahaw021 @jmarcelino @gas

    I have the nanogateway running with TTN, but now I am trying to use loraserver.io running in my raspberry. I have followed (almost) all the steps in https://docs.loraserver.io/install/quick-install/ (the default option, with the bridge running in my py, not in the nanogateway), except for the SST/TLS certificates since I don't understand much the subject and I understand it is optional. But when I try to join (ABP) and send messages from the node I don't see anything in the raspberry (I am executing the command 'mosquitto_sub -v -t "#" -u loraroot -P {password} -h localhost -p 1883' as suggested in the quick-install, with the password I created for loraroot during the installation).

    As I'm new and I don't know about internet protocols, I am not sure about some steps:

    1. in config.py I setted SERVER='' and PORT=1700 because in /etc/lora-gateway-bridge/lora-gateway-bridge.toml I have configured packet_forwarder.udp_bind=''
    2. in /etc/lora-gateway-bridge/lora-gateway-bridge.toml I configured packet_forwarder.username = "loraserver" (and its password), but I am not sure if it should be someother password created during the "Mosquitto authentication" step (i.e., "lorawg" or "loraappserver")
    3. in /etc/loraserver/loraserver.toml I configured network_server.gateway.backend.mqtt.username="loragw" (and its password), but again I am not sure of what of those created during the "Mosquitto authentication" step should be.
    4. at /etc/lora-app-server/lora-app-server.toml I configured application_server.integration.mqtt.username="loraappserver" (and its password), but I am not sure about it
    5. at /etc/lora-app-server/lora-app-server.toml I didn't configure application_server.api.bind = "localhost:8001" and I left it with ""
    6. at /etc/lora-app-server/lora-app-server.toml I didn't configure application_server.external_api.bind = "" and I left it with the default data

    Those are some of the steps I have doubts with, but maybe the problem is somwhere else. I would really apreciate any help, and I think that if you could share your .toml files and config.py whold be very helpfull.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Hi @ahaw021

    I have this server running since few month with nanoGateway and pi
    I also used the lopy as sensor node and as 1 channel nanogateway (i have also 2 other gateways running on the same server at the same time )
    let me know if you need anything I'll try to find some time to write up a tutorial

  • Hi @ahaw021 ,

    I haven't done it recently - do plan on trying it again soon, would love to make nice guide on it - but last time I tried everything connected smoothly.

    You just need to run the LoRa Gateway Bridge component on your server and the LoPy Nanogateway only "speaks" the packet-forwarder UDP protocol.

    Then you point the nanogateway to that.

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