WiPy coding in C
We recently purchased the WiPy 3.0. We would like to code in C for speed and familiarity reasons (as opposed to MicroPython). Is this possible with this board?
The project will run a strip of LEDs for a Persistence of Vision (POV) effect and we will be using:
SPI - for the LED control
MicroSD - with direct connection for storage
Bluetooth - to communicate with another WiPy
Wifi - to communicate with a mobile phone
PIL is designed for Python 2.x and not supported on MicroPython.Also much of it's functionality relies on native low level libraries we don't have.
There are plans to to offer image manipulation functions but I can't offer a date at this point.
Great! Thanks.
One other question. Does the WiPy support the Python Imaging Library (PIL), or if not, would it be possible to add the library?
Yes, it's not a problem just use the ESP-IDF directly along with it's toolchain: