I²C addressees on the Pysense
I'm trying to find the used I²C addressees on the Pysense, I need to add a device.
Sorry, you didn't say in your original post you didn't have the module + pysense.
The output is as follows:>>> i2c.scan() [8, 30, 41, 64, 96]
You can also look through the libraries here to figure out the addresses:
https://github.com/pycom/pycom-libraries/tree/master/pysense/lib8 = PIC microcontroller (UART + deepsleep)
30 = LIS2HH12
41 = LTR329ALS01
64 = SI7006A20
96 = MPL3115A2
So buy a FiPy and use your information to scan the buss hoping that the address I need isn't used..